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Spotted Fawn Dodges Arrows

Dreamed 1998 by Amanda Strong

--Amanda Strong / Spotted Fawn / Gidagaakoons


Strong tells this dream to open and close her book Four Faces of the Moon, telling two centuries of her family's history--really her people's history, as the Metis struggled, for generations, to be acknowledged as a people at all.

This dream points has several lessons for serious dreamworkers:

In fact, Fawn and Chickadee teach similar lessons. Stay alert! You have to be quiet to listen. Recognize predators. Learn to dodge, not fight. Learn to... learn.

Source: Four Faces of the Moon by Amanda Strong, 2021, Annick Press, pp.6-24, 170-75. The graphics are stills from the stop-motion film of the same name.

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