So what do dream deer mean? Well, when I typed that question, I misspelled it "dear." And I do feel affection for deer--indeed, identify with them in a way meat-eating humans probably can't. Besides being herbivorous myself, I'm shy and skinny and nervous--I know how it feels to be always on alert around you scary two-legged predators.
I also find deer beautiful. Like cheetahs or sports cars, they've evolved for speed, pushed into a sort of dancer's grace even horses can't easily match. You'll notice, in the following dreams, how often I fall in love with a deer. I find it hard not to.
But that's just me. You may be quite another species.
RELATED TOPICS: horses - unicorns - cows, goats, sheep - moose - giraffe - pigs - animal people - beauty and ugliness - dancers - sexy creatures - dream creatures in general - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
ALL HALLOW'S EVE: by (Mrs.) D. M. Barrett; 1904, a psychic dream I dreamt ghosts visited us, and for each scream, a relative would die. Two of us cried out. That morning the first letter came... |
ALPINE GUINEA PIG & SEXLESS CHILD, or, I’M EITHER A GREAT MOM OR A TERRIBLE MOM: by “Veronica Franco”; 2006/8/19, a dream of penned creatures and those who love them. Alpine deer-hamsters, pigs, birds, children, even fundamentalists’ daughters grow up and want to fly free... |
ANTELOPE GIRLS: by Wayan; 2015/1/2, a dating-advice dream for the traumatized All the runaways & homeless girls in town start calling themselves antelopes. I bring home an antelope date. But my mom, who looks like my Reaganite grandma, sees a literal antelope... |
BEETLE: by Daniel Quinn; spring 1941; a life-defining shamanic dream A black beetle insists I'm not needed or at home in the human world; my lifework is elsewhere... |
BOYS DON'T CRY: by Wayan; 2000/1/7, twin sex nightmares reacting to a movie seen two days later! DREAM 1: My date Lana changes to my housemate Alder to my dead friend Beryl, who talks of pastlife trauma... DREAM 2: Sexy deer-girls and ice dancers get me and my sister hot, but a ghost disrupts impending incest... TWO DAYS LATER: I see Boys Don't Cry--settings, situations, characters & even names from my dream! CAUTION: DEER BREASTS, NEAR-INCEST, FILM ON TRANNYCIDE |
BRANCHING WOMAN: by Patricia Garfield 1973/3/9 & '71/5/1, recurrent dream motif; art by Brenda Ferrimani I was at a dream conference and brought up a recurrent theme that others hadn't mentioned: multiple antlerlike branchings... |
THE CENDANCERS: by Wayan; 2011-16, a 32-figure sculpture project with 250+ pics A wild troupe of sexy, surreal, centaurlike dancers mostly built from Barbie dolls... CAUTION: EXPLICIT NUDITY, FUR, BARBIE |
CIRC CERVINE: by Wayan; 2016/9/16, a dream on... how to catch difficult dreams? At a polyspecies circus, I sketch three acrobat-dancers--one deerish, one human, one... a mannequin? Fiendish to draw! I wake frustrated & sketchless. But my sketchwork in the dream helps me redraw it awake... CAUTION: DEER NUDITY |
CRAWL: by Wayan; 1995/5/14. Digital collage inspired by dreams, provoking another dream! I dreamed I couldn't walk on water like Jesus, but I COULD crawl on it! A baby miracle. CAUTION: NUDITY |
CREATURE BECOMES CREATOR: by Wayan; 2015/2/5, three linked advisory dreams on world trends A weird little forest god bred me from an ordinary deer into a creature who can almost pass for human. But World War 2 killed my god, and now I'm growing into... CAUTION: NUDITY, CROSSBREEDING |
CRESTED DEER: by Wayan; 2022/7/8, two shamanic little dreams In endangered woods I meet deer with bold black-and white feather crests. Higher up, it's barren--a hard winter. But I taste a medicinal blue-black fruit... |
DECEMBER: by Mary Oliver, 1992? 93?; a dream-flash From the deer's antlers, from each tine, green leaves were growing, as if from the branches of a tree. Then it turned and vanished. In shyness, perhaps... |
DEER AND SANDSTORM: by Wayan; 1993/3/17, a pre-fever dream. I'm in a hotel by the Great Salt Lake. Deer roam the halls and lap at the drinking fountain... |
DEER AND WOLF MYSTICS: by Wayan; 2015/2/1; an odd peacemaking dream The wolf and deer people are getting along well--a relief since I like both. Now, can the wolves learn from the deer how to open their third eye? |
DEER JESUS: by Wayan; 1988/12/28, a revisionist Christmas dream The Three Wise Men are a centaur, a lion-man, and a doe-girl. But there's no Christ in the manger, so... CAUTION: DEER-MOM BREASTS |
DEER ON THEIR PHONES: by Wayan, 2024/11/17; a dream on isolation? I'm trying to draw a mother deer and her two adolescent fawns, who've stopped talking to each other, and quit watching for predators. Glued to their phones... CAUTION: NUDE DEER |
DEERMAN'S CHALLENGE: by Melissa McClanahan, 2002?-2007?, a recurring nightmare figure I used to dream of this violent anthropomorphic being. At times I'd put on his deer-skull head and become him, inflicting and inciting violence. Naming him gave me some control... |
DEER-MAN DANCING: by "Cmmndrblu"; early 2006, a shamanic dream-within-a-dream at least six layers deep! I met a deer-man in the woods. I go lucid, then wake up... to find I'm still dreaming. And wake again, and wake, and wake... |
THE DEER PARTY: by Wayan; 1986/4/10. A magical dream Chapter 1 of a nine-story series: UNICORN TAG. A sentient factory shows me a gene-tweaked future where the Deer Party agitates for liberty, equality and fertility. In that future I learn I too may not be human... |
DEER PEOPLE, BREAST-SHY: by Wayan; 2021/7/30, a dream with predictive tinges DREAM: bisexual deer-people go on dates. Despite their fur, they seem shy about breasts. WAKE: read Alison Bechdel's latest confessional comic. Bisexual phase, shy about breasts... CAUTION: POSSIBLY PREDICTIVE; TOPLESS DEER |
THE DEER'S FIRST DEED: by Wayan; 1984/10/8, a dream of gratitude. A man teaches literacy to the wild deer. But with no hands, how can they give him anything in return? CAUTION: IF YOU GOTTA ASK, YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW |
THE DEER'S HOLY LAKE: by Wayan; 1995/5/15, a dream of holy turf. A magic lake where deer glide on water... so I try it. And start to realize I could build such a lake... |
DEER SHAMAN: by Wayan; 1981, 9x12" faux cave-rubbing. Partly based on the ancient cave painting "Le Sorcier", but here it may be the deer putting on human guise... |
DEER SORCERESS: by Wayan; 1981/5/18, a dream on the virtues of chaos. A witch-girl turned to a deer flees hell-hounds who just CAN'T get organized... |
DEER VERSUS PIGS: by Wayan; 2015/5/20; twin dreams; joking or serious? Deer-mares join our theatre class. Adorable! Then pig people. Not adorable. I wake & sketch them. Hear voices--sexy singing deer on TV! Wow, my dream was predictive! And then I wake AGAIN... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY |
DEERTAUR TRANSFORMATION: by Wayan, 1987/6/22, a dream of mythical art A strange book has woodblock prints telling how a princess turns to a deer-centaur and meets animal-headed forest guardians. But the message is rather practical... CAUTION: (FURRY) NUDITY |
DEVANGELS: by Wayan, 2017/4/27, a numinous but ambivalent dream After a hard day in the recording studio, I dream of powerful yet obedient devil-angels; quiet for now, but I fear they'll decide shamans like me are abominations... CAUTION: ANGELS? GOLEMS? DEVILS? |
DINO TREASURE: by Wayan, 1996/9/1, a treasure-hunt dream. At the Psychic Faire, I'm a deer-man in a gang hunting treasure, led by a rough tough dinosaur... |
DON'T SHOOT THE IBEX: by Jane Doe; 2005/8/9, a hunting dream. My hunting license won’t let me legally shoot a giraffe or ibex, but I do bag a prime Macy’s salesman... CAUTION: LICENSE TO KILL |
DOPP: by Wayan; 1988/11/5, a predictive dream DREAM: On a farm, I meet two sexy shapeshifting sisters. But mushroom clouds rise on the horizon... NEXT DAY: at SF-MOMA, Susan Marie Dopp's paintings: shapeshifting sisters, mushroom clouds... CAUTION: NUDITY; ESP |
DUMUZID'S DESPAIR: by Dumuzid, c.3200 BCE; the first nightmare, predictive dream & false waking Dumuzid dreams raptors prey on his flock, his hearth fire's doused, his churns knocked over; he lies dead. His sister Jestinana interprets it: "Manhunters will kill you; you must flee." He does, across the known world... |
EAT THE MOON: by Wayan; 2013/9/4; a weird shamanic dream-poem Lights on the moon! Future cities shine. Gotta fix that time-slip. But in shaman-space, the moon's a deerskull up a tree! I take it down, pocket its jewel-city-eyes and try to stew the moon. I'm Coyote, so my cookery goes wrong... |
AN ELK SHOWED ME A SIGN OF PEACE: by Georganna Malloff; Nov/Dec 1985, vision In the Rockies, in winter, I was freezing until I found the hot springs. In the steam rising, I saw a vision of an elk... |
THE EVEREST MARATHON: by Wayan; 1986/4/12, a wild dream epic, part 3 of Unicorn Tag. In the great race up Everest, I become an e-snake, cross 3 eco-bubbles, beg a wary deer-taur to splice my spine, help Ariane my childhood crush, and solve the Dream Equations. Climbing Everest takes not strength but... trust? |
FAWN AND DEMON: by Wayan; 1990/7/15, twin dreams of desire. A doe I meet is as horny and shy as me. We're similar: torn between desire and fear... Then I meet a slacker succubus. She may just let herself get seduced toward freedom... CAUTION: SEX |
FESTIVAL OF THE MOTHERS OF RAIN: by Rachael Dutton, c.1984; a dream-based sculpture group The whole village welcomed in the Mothers of Rain. An aged deer had visions. A young mother gave birth. All the creatures and spirits danced... |
THE FLYING HART: by King Charles VI; c.1390, a flying dream. King Charles loses a new hawk. But a winged deer lands, bows to him, and offers him a wild ride across France after his bird... |
GIRAFFE MISSION, or, THE 17TH FOOT: by Wayan, 2017/1/30, a Seussy dreampoem on breadth of view I was in the Mission with friends. A giraffe saw me as narrowminded, and lifted me up to show me HIS viewpoint. No insights--till we topped the roofline... |
GIRAFFETAUR GROVE: by Wayan; 2009/7/27, a science-joke dream hiding serious diagnostic advice I meet the new improved giraffe people with hydraulic chrome skeletons-- such light, powerful jaws and stretchable necks. Wow, Lamarckianism is back! CAUTION: ANTICREATIONISM--THAT IS, ACTUAL SCIENCE |
GIRL IN THE WATER: by Wayan, 2000/10/7, twin dreams on... dreamwork? In a California with no Gold Rush, wild deer carry a girl over the San Fernando hills to a secret dream-pool... Then in a Japantown hotel lobby, that girl floats meditating in a huge aquarium, as local gossips lie about her... |
HIJACK! The Christmas Special: by Wayan; 2012/4/13, a trapped-in-bad-TV dream. |
I'm stuck on a jet full of cartoons. We get hijacked by a kid who just wants pilot practice, and then a talking cactus counter-hijacks us... CAUTION: THE F-WORD |
HIS DEER WIFE: by Wayan; 1995/7/9, a dream of love in a parallel world. |
I'm a slave, a scribe in the house of a Captain of the New Aztec Empire, when he brings home a wife... CAUTION: SLAVE SOCIETY, SEX, SPOUSAL ABUSE/NEGLECT |
HORNED MAN: by Stephen Jones, c.1962, a childhood nightmare of parental betrayal |
I woke in bed, hearing voices from a grownup party outside my door. It opened, and a tall man with deer horns came after me, as my parents leered and urged him on... |
I'M A VESTA, NOT A MAN!: by Wayan; 1980/1/6, a dream of when it's over. |
I'm the animal guardian of a deep crater, but when a human girl rejects me, I set out to leave... CAUTION: ORAL SEX, UNREQUITED LOVE, SPECISM |
A JOB WELL DONE: by Wayan; 1981/3/2; a dream-farce with a serious warning |
The tale of a fawn named Fawn and her mom, a bank-robbing hippopotamus... CAUTION: GLAMORIZES THIS ALARMING TREND |
THE LION LIES DOWN WITH THE MARE by Wayan, 1986/6/7; a surreal predictive dream |
THAT DAY: a play in the park about human-car hybrids. Jaguar girl, Mustang boy! Surreal. THAT NIGHT: Lions & jaguars hunt a mustang, but she flirts instead of fights, and soon... CAUTION: INTERSPECIES SEX |
LYR: by Wayan; 7MB, 2005, 80 pages w/200+ drawings and maps; a virtual planet |
A vast sea-world with 7 times Earth's mass, whose isles are home to at least 19 intelligent species... CAUTION: CUTE ALIENS, WEIRD SEX CUSTOMS, GODLESS EVOLUTION! |
MAGICAL LIGHT: by Wayan; 1985/10/8, a dream on micromania |
Linda Evans of Dynasty survives a shapeshifters' war, though her mansion's wrecked. She meets a caped superhero--and superdog, and supercat, squirrel, hamster, mouse! These micro-heroes make me see I too have been minimizing my own bravery... |
NEOLITHIC: by Wayan; 1992/9/21; a time-travel dream on the roots of art |
I'm at a Neolithic art show. A Stone Age critic says "Viewers struggle to interpret signs as the signified." I think they're just baffled how those animals can be stuck on a cave wall yet still be running around... |
NIP OFF HIS NOSE: by Wayan, 2020/2/20, four surreal dreamlets about Covid? or... overwork? |
1: I sketch two deer-girls making videos. 2: I pull a man's nose off, and milk the scene for drama before... 3: My old boss is convicted of murder! 4: I wake and two friends interpret #3 as "Overwork is killing you..." I wake again. My dream-notebook's blank. No friends here; their interpretation was a dream too.... CAUTION: NUDE DEER |
PASS, MARE: by Wayan; 1982/3/13, a sex dream about letting your animal side lead |
A deer-girl turns into a talking mare. We make love. Then, relaxed, she leads me over a pass from suburban isolation into a wider social world... CAUTION: TALKING HORSE SEX |
PENGUINS TALK ONLY TO...: by Wayan; 1987/7/25, a comic dream-poem. |
Talking animals flood my bedroom. Well, they'll talk to me--but they're cliquish. Hippos snub cats snub bears snub deer, and no one talks to penguins, for... |
RABBIT-EARED DOE: by Wayan; dreamed 2008/4/29, a dream of statues come passionately to life |
A hunter catches a Rabbit-Eared Doe by her yard-long ears, pulls on them like reins, and mates with her! She doesn't object; maybe ear-pulling's normal for her. Should I intervene? I can't tell if this is love or rape! CAUTION: STRANGE FURRY SEX |
REINDEER FOREST: by Wayan; ca. 1985, nondream ink sketch, approx 9x14" |
Reindeer linked by their heads--curiously analogous to language, or culture, or the Web, isn't it... |
SERRANA: by Wayan; Oct-Dec 2004, a sculpture/webtour; 60 maps, photos & sketches |
A dry little world with many small seas, Serrana has at least six intelligent species and an anarchist culture. It's a tribute to Ursula Le Guin's anarchist utopia, "The Dispossessed", and Kropotkin's theories of biological cooperation... CAUTION: ANARCHIST POLITICS, ALIEN NUDITY |
SHARPSHOT: by Wayan; 1977/4/3, a surreal poem of a warning nightmare |
When I was being battered, I dreamed where it would end if I didn't leave: dead wife, shot husband... CAUTION: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE |
SILKY'S BRIDGE: by Wayan, with brief parallel dream by Liz; 1987/5/7, apparent shared dreams |
WAYAN: I'm a cat climbing on sea-cliffs. Fear I'll fall. Run into Silky, an archer firing a line across to an islet. Now the Deer People can build their gossamer bridge... LIZ: I was hiking along a trail atop sea-cliffs. But I feared I'd fall... |
SPOTTED FAWN DODGES ARROWS: by Amanda Strong; 1998, a dream on the power of names |
Soon after I was given the name Spotted Fawn, I dreamed I was one, fleeing faceless hunters under the full moon. There's history in this... |
STILTDOE AND CENBUCK: by Wayan; 1989/5/23-24, two punning deer-dreams |
First a mutant doe with stilt legs has trouble finding a mate, then a centauroid buck with a parasol shows us he means... business. |
STORM WARNING: by Wayan, 1993/3/17, surreal comic of an atmospheric dream |
Thirsty deer invade the hall. Children play in the dunes encroaching on the city. Will those ominous red clouds drop rain? Or sand? |
THE TAO OF DENNIS THE MENACE: by Wayan; 1986/4/17, a dream of a wise mentor. |
Chased by purple squid from Jupiter, I seek refuge with a guru the Goddess recommends for me... |
THARN: by Wayan; 2006, 45 p, 200+ ill., a nondream virtual world: maps, photos, portraits, tours |
Tour a rugged, scenic moon with air and water in deep canyons sheltering a dozen intelligent species CAUTION: ANARCHISM, NUDITY, SCIENCE |
TOWARDS BREAK OF DAY: by WB Yeats and Georgie Yeats, Dec. 1918; |
Simultaneous dreams sharing mood & theme not images. Yeats sees but cannot touch the waterfall he loved so in childhood; Georgie, the magical white stag in King Arthur... |
TURNER'S RECURRING DREAMS: by Jack Turner, 1991-2, a set of genderbent grief dreams |
After my mother died, I dreamed I was a girl living after the Apocalypse. I rode my elk past cars full of corpses, saw friends die, and never could find a single fertile mate... |
VESTA ON ISIG MOUNTAIN: by Wayan; 1982/late May; crayon showing worldview of dream being. |
Vesta are animal guardians of the land. This isn't a portrait of a vesta, but how I see when I AM one... |
WAPATO BIRDS: by Wayan; 1986/2/2, a subtly psychic dream. |
I'm a Wapato Bird: part crane, part elk, part tree-bud. Despite my shyness, I must lead our people's migration to the Grand Teton lakes... |
WHAT E.S.P. IS FOR: by Wayan; 2012/12/10, three dreamlets on my real nature and purpose |
I dream ESP isn't just for oneself. A romance between a wolf singer & a deer guitarist. I'm furry too, and better accept it! |
THE WHITE DEER, RE-ENACTED: by Wayan; 2009/3/2, a parabolic dreampoem. |
I'm living in an England rendered in chalk. We wander the woods with butterfly nets, ritually hunting the White Deer--if that's what they really are... |
by Wayan; 2013/4/13, an epic shamanic epiphany dream with tinges of ESP I meet my Creator--a were-deer. No wonder I'm a shy, horny herbivore so unlike these naked apes! She tells me my divine purpose... CAUTION: MONOTHEISTIC BLASPHEMY; E.S.P. FLASH; NUDE DEER |
"YOU'RE SO GAY!": by Wayan; 2013/1/24. A psychic dream of a time-short oracle.
I'm in line to meet a shockingly accurate psychic. But she's running late, so as I frame my question... CAUTION: I'M NOT GAY BUT I SURE AM QUEER |
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