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Pass, Mare

Dreamed 1982/3/13 by Wayan

She's half Emily D, half deer. No
centaur; swirled to shy confection.
Convection! Deer upwells to mare.
I ride, she bucks, we fuck and purr

and afterstretch. But next she has
biz downtown. Hoofs it humming. Oh
Emily! Of course we're at the pass
from the Eichler Highlands (faux

Frank Lloyd Wright homes, by Joe
Eichler). Beyond, cafes and schools.
I follow her poet-deer-mare's ass,
strutting happily up the pass.

Funny how horse's ass means fool
and rude when she's so sweet--her tail
banners to bare her nether smile.
Plumes at ankles; long mane trails,

blends with the pass's grasses. End:
I'm small as wren. The slope I climb
is her neck! She's Lover Earth, & I'm
in love all over her again.

I climb a pass only to find the grass is a mare's mane. Dream sketch by Wayan.
A black-maned mare flirts with me. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


LISTS AND LINKS: sexy creatures: deer, horses, Emily Dickinson! - Silky - love & sex - dream-guides - climbing - hair, manes, tails - suburban isolation versus a social life - dream poems - crayon & pencil dream art

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