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Dreamed 1992? 93? by Mary Oliver

Then the deer stepped from the woods. It walked from the
shadows under the trees into a clear space. Antlers sprang
from its brow, each with five or six tines. From the antlers,
from each tine, green leaves were growing, as if from the
branches of a tree.

The deer stood without moving, brutish and graceful as deer
alive in the daylight, except that its heavy, elaborate head was
carrying, upon the usual curvatures of horn, these branches,
this fountain of leaves.

Then it turned and vanished. In shyness, perhaps. Or simply
because we get no more than such dreamy chances to look
upon the real world. The great door opens a crack, a hint of
the truth is given--so bright it is almost a death, a joy we
can't bear--and then it is gone.


This might be a waking vision. But "brutish and graceful as deer alive in the daylight" strongly implies this deer is something other: a night-deer.

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Mary Oliver's White Pine: Poems and Prose Poems, 1994, p. 51

LISTS AND LINKS: forests - deer - gods & nature-spirits - transcendent dreams? - waking hallucinations? - dream-poems - a (definitely)dream-(non-prose)poem by Mary Oliver: From the Book of Time

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