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From the Book of Time

Dreamed c.1998 by Mary Oliver

I dreamed
I was traveling
from one country
to another

on the back
of a white horse
whose hoovcs

were the music
of dust and gravel
whose halter
was made of the leaf braids

of flowers,
whose name
was Earth.
And it never

grew tired
though the sun
went down
like a thousand roses

and the stars
put their white faces
in front of the black branches
above us

and then
there was nothing around us
but water
and the white horse

turned suddenly
like a bolt of white cloth
under the cloth-cutter's deft hands

and became
a swan.
Its red tongue
flickered out

as it perceived
my great surprise
my huge and unruly pleasure
my almost unmanageable relief...

SOURCE: Part 3 of "From The Book of Time", in turn a section of The Leaf and the Cloud, 2000, Mary Oliver. Some of "Book of Time" was previously published in DoubleTake.

LISTS AND LINKS: quests - the sea - night - space - horses - transformation - swans - dream poems - 2nd dream (or vision?) by Mary Oliver: December

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