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Silky's Bridge

Dreamed 1987/5/7 by Wayan and Liz

 . Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


I'm a cat-person in Marin County, padding up a trail, heading for Drakes Bay out on Point Reyes.

As I step off the North American plate, over the San Andreas Fault onto the Pacific Plate (slowly grinding north--Point Reyes is a wedge of Southern California dragged away from the palms toward the redwoods) I sense all is different here. Not just different from the rest of California--the vegetation's mossy and feathery but quite unlike the equally moist Northwest rainforests. An ecological island. I think I prefer it.

I pass the Backward Falls. Yes, they fall up. Plate boundaries do funny things to streambeds.

I climb a thin ridge, as steep as the wet side of a Hawaiian island. The rain here seems to fall more on the inland side though. I reach the top of the knifelike ridge and see the town spreading below, down to the sea. This slope's drier, just chaparral dotted with oaks. But the soil's stony shale, and hurts my bare feet (human shoes don't fit).

I sit on the pass, with my synth in my lap. Play quietly and rest. I'm no great player--stubby paws. Thanks, ancestors! Oh well, at least I have opposable thumbs.

I feel a bit unsteady--am I on an overhang? I slowly creep back from the edge and part of it breaks away! Shale weakened by the Fault. I carve a step to one side and try to lay the synth on firm(ish) ground so I can scramble with all four paws--a long nervous struggle. Finally I make it safely.

I meet a fellow explorer, who's an old friend & lover: Silky. She's carrying a harpoon gun that fires yellow glass wedges designed to sink into rocks and trail an invisible monofilament line strong enough to hold our weight. With it she can climb like Spiderman! Alongside Silky, I feel safer climbing around.

We hike down to the shore. On a coastal cliff, we meet some Natives. Not cats, but deer people with reddish pelts, often white-spotted. They're fascinated by Silky's speargun and yellow-wedge arrows and climbing-lines. They beg her to help them out. They want to build a bridge out to a treetopped sea-stack at least 100 yards out. It's an impossible shot with a handheld speargun, but Silky quiets herself, breathes out...

Catgirl fires a line to a sea-stack to start building a bridge. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

...and makes it!

The Deer People cheer. "Now we can build a gossamer footbridge!" Has to be discreet, though, all woven of transparent line, or Humans will spot it and cover the islet with their broken glass, plastic and cigarette butts. So it'll be just a minimal ghost of a bridge, and they'll only sidle over to visit the isle after dark...

A sight I soon hope to see. Moonlit deer above the shimmering sea...

Spotted deer people cross a gossamer bridge at night. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


Deer people cross gossamer bridge at night. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge

I write the dream text and most of the notes above, charmed by the images, but baffled where they came from. Then my housemate Liz comes home. She tells me what she was up to last night:


"I hiked across country, crossed a creek, then along a trail atop sea-cliffs. But I feared I'd fall..."

Her dream's short on detail, I know. But I'm going back through my journals and posting a wider spectrum of apparently predictive or shared dreams, from merely suggestive to quite inarguable. The sheer numbers add up. As of 2022, I've had around 1500 apparent predictive, clairvoyant or telepathic/shared dreams (out of 38,500).

In recent decades a lot of dream researchers dismiss the very notion of ESP out of hand, vilifying anyone who "believes" in it as superstitious. But I don't believe; I know, from long, first-hand experience. Data beats theory! Sure, a parallel like Liz's is doubtable in isolation, but it's not alone.

And neither are we. You think by day you're an island--the cat who walks alone. But gossamer bridges, invisible by day, link us by night.

LISTS AND LINKS: I'm Just Not Myself Today! - species-bent dreams - animal people - big cats - mountains - fear - falling - Silky, my spirit wife - by the sea - archery - mastery! - deer - sexy creatures - bridges - privacy & secrets - nocturnes - shared & telepathic dreams - ESP in general - pencil dream art - the San Andreas Fault - a portrait of Liz as a snake-girl

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