The Lion lies down with the Mare
Dreamed 1986/6/7 by Wayan
Men are training dogs to hunt. The best-nosed dog is a slow but thorough bitch. She's the first who manages to follow the scent trail all the way to the end: where the trainer has tied up a sacrifice. A sacrificial lamb--wait, she looks more like a deer. Hornless: a doe.
But just because the hunters found this sacrificial deer, she's not giving up! She shakes herself and stretches taller, into a beautiful young black-maned mare. With a toss of her neck she snaps their tether, then scrambles behind the master of the hunt, keeping him between her and the hunting pack. Clever as well as beautiful--and doomed. I watch, a helpless eye, waiting for the slaughter.
But as the sacrifice grows and changes, so does the pack! Now they're a motley zoo--carnivores of all sizes, from an African lion down to a skittery little golden fox.
The lion leaps right over the hunter to the sacrifice, and pounces on her, but doesn't bite--licks her ears! She raises her tail for him. He lies down with the lamb! I mean, doe. I mean, mare.
"It's understandable," I think, as I watch him clasp her close and start to mount her. "She's so sexy, after all. I want her too."
As they come, yelling in pleasure, I wake.
I visit my tech-nerd friends David & Mark. Expect they'll be tinkering with graphics or video software. as usual. I want to try drawing on their Amiga--vivid color, unlike the Macs at work. But they're not tapping away as usual. They're watching--of all things--Walt Disney's corn-pone love letter to a hound dog, Old Yeller!
Ohhhkay then. Hound-dog riddle solved! Though by posing a deeper riddle. How'd the dream know?
In the years since then, I've had more explicit self-flagging dreams--like, say, a predictive dream actually set in the future, or a lucid dream triggered by a character saying "what if this is a dream?" In light of those, I think this dream was not only predictive, but sensed it was (or at least suspected), and put the hound-dog up front, ahead, to embody that suspicion.
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