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1991/6/23 by Kitty Ostrander

I went to sleep at about 9:30 PM. At 11:30 PM, I woke up from a dream.

I had dreamed that Johnny Carson had run off the side of a mountain and was killed in an automobile accident. It seemed I was there; I saw it. I saw them pull the car out of the trees. When they pulled it up they said, "That's not Johnny; that's Dick." I said to someone, "Well, that's his brother. "
Woke up feeling like it was real, like something had really happened and I'd been there. Sat around for about an hour and dccided the dream was because of the bad driving through the mountains. (I'd been on vacation, driving through the mountains.)

Next morning I heard that Johnny Carson's son Dick had been killed in an auto accident. Scene on TV looked very much like in my dream. In the dream the man next to me had on a plaid shirt and tan pants. I wonder if a man dressed like that was at the accident scene.

SOURCE: Somnial Times: Newsletter of the Dreamers SIG [of Mensa]; Vol III, No. 4: Oct. 1991; Gloria Reiser, coordinator; Judy Landaiche, editor. Untitled in newsletter; "Carson" added to aid searches.

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