Silky's Massage
Dreamed 1981/2/2 with 2/16 follow-up, by Wayan
A long dream mostly lost, alas. I was in a dance group of animal people. Forget what species I was. Felt so good, touching others, being touched. Warm, loving. Held and hugged, healed in heart and body. Belonged!
1981/2/16: Silky's Massage
I try to draw the feeling of that dance troupe. Draw ink comics late into the night; but the scene keeps sliding away to other dreams, expressing fears & pains instead! I find myself titling it Scream of Consciousness Comics.
Unsurprisingly, by 2AM my neck and shoulders hurt. Half asleep, I feel Silky my mare-familiar come snuggle up to me; she massages the knots out, and says "You can't draw healing by working to death!"
Just found the old picture of Silky massaging me, liked it, looked up its dream, and decide to post it. Draw the dancers--but not at 2 AM! Leisurely, this time. Based the dancers on poses in manga I'm reading, mainly Witch Hat Atelier and Nameless Asterism. Though I've turned them from humans to furs, of course.
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