Dreamed 2002? by Nashoba Hostina
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Back when I was in high school, I had two friends who were my best buddies in the world. We all had nicknames for one another:
In my dream, my friends and I were our animal selves, in a world surrounded in darkness. But so long as we were near one another, our bond manifested as a weak but persistent light. And between all of our elements, we could make ourselves comfortable; I could cool things off, Kit could warm things up, and Kat gave us water to drink. We would be fine… we were predators, after all.
And without her, it was cold.
And so much darker.
But time passed… and we survived. Then, somewhere, Kat heard another person. I couldn't hear it… but she could. And she wandered off. When she met that other person, the light was blinding… then it was gone. And so was Kat.
And without her, I was so thirsty.
And without them… there was no light.
I was left in the cold, in the dark, with no one to make light with. And all this predator could do was prowl blindly in the dark, listening for voices that would not call to her.
So... did the nightmare come true? It does for most of us, of course--those early friends who seem part of us forever, until love (or just sex) pulls them away. The question is, did she wander the dark until she died of thirst, or find someone else to make light with... or figure out how to shed her own light? Nashoba doesn't say. Though the fact she's here drawing and writing like this, is itself an answer.
--Chris Wayan
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