Guiltless Liar & Honest Exhibitionist
Dreamed 2020/9/21 by Wayan
I join a social circle in the Mission District that meets weekly to discuss public issues at a small community center in a park. Lucinda, my old friend from Psychodrama years ago, presides.
The circle includes two attractive singles. A stunning catlike blonde flirts with me. Soon becomes my girlfriend. Her personal charm's so great it takes me several months to realize she lies to me routinely.
Weeks pass. She not only lies--cheats on me, and conspires with Boyfriend Two to do something unethical, maybe outright criminal.
Yet I'm suckered by her guilt-free happiness. She's so rare; most liars worry even more than the honest, and I sense that worry in liars, and it feels bad to me. Can't even be around most con artists; so strange to be comfortable with her, even when I know what she's doing!
A rare and precious liar: utterly guiltless. Yet her lying hurts me & others. Just not her, and that's all that matters. Clarity, simplicity... practically a saint. Of liars.
At last I force myself to break up with her. I have to, but so reluctant! Still feel a tug whenever I see her.
Is it... envy? That she never has to worry? Guiltless Liar Envy Syndrome! GLES.
I start dating the other single in the group, a quieter, less flashy dark-haired girl. She's honest. Slower for us to get close, but it works out much better.
Though she's got her quirks. She's quiet, not a talker, but she likes sex in public. We have some odd adventures. Today, we're curled up in a nook in the community center, in a sort of spooning position, me on my back, she on HER back on top of me. And while everyone else debates the coming election--Trump versus Biden--we just listen and squirm and come and come...
I think I'm finally getting over GLES.
Looking back, I think the dream was a political prediction. It wasn't just me that picked a quiet type (who likes action not words) over a yellow-haired, motormouthed, guiltless liar. A solid majority of voters did too. Not even close--a margin twice as big as last time. Oh, the guiltless liar denies that... but he's a guiltless liar.
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