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Dreamed by both Laurel and Frank, 1979 or before, as told by Gayle Delaney

A series of spontaneous dreams monitoring the quality of a couple's sex life was told by Laurel and Frank.

Laurel had dreamt of a drooping, ailing palm tree three times in one month. Each dream consisted only of her seeing and feeling sad about the palm.
She had no feeling for what the dream meant. She defined and described palm trees as very exotic, beautiful, and sensuous plants. The one in her dream been given to her by her husband for her birthday and growing quite well in their bedroom. She conjectured that the dream might have something to do with her health, the correlations between the dream plant's illnesses and her own did not quite fit.
Then one night she and her husband both dreamed of seeing the gardenia plant that is in their bedroom. The dream plant had clearly been through some rough arid times, as the lower leaves had dried up and fallen off. However, the plant was now in exuberant good health and was very full. There were even two big gardenia blooms at the top of it.
In telling each other their shared dream, Laurel and Frank recognized what the drooping palm trees had been trying to say. The plants in the bedroom had perfectly mirrored their sex life. They had been going through a dry period, in that they were often irritably bickering and unusually occupied their careers. The palm tree dreams could have served as reminders to tend to their drooping marital relationship if they had been understood. The blooming gardenia dream came as soon as they had realigned their priorities in such a way they again had plenty of time for sex.

SOURCE: Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney (1996 ed) p.169-70


Delaney placed this in her chapter "Dreams and your Body", not in "What's Really Going On in Your Relationships?" or "The Twilight Zone" (on exotic dream types, including apparent ESP). Yet Laurel and Frank's parallel dreams fit these categories too; I've added links emphasizing those dream types.

--Chris Wayan

LISTS AND LINKS: recurring dreams - trees, plants & flowers - hunger & thirst - love & sex - relationship advice - workaholism - shared & telepathic dreams - ESP in general - more Gayle Delaney

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