RELATED TOPICS: lesser plants - fruits and vegetables - dryads (tree spirits) and other nature-spirits - forests, rainforests, jungles - farms - cities - deserts and oases - mountains - icecaps and snow country - beach and shore - lakes and seas - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
ANGEL SHOWDOWN: by Wayan; 2020/4/2, a dream mixing shamanism and Barbarella I see parasitic spirits sickening their human hosts. Can't get rid of them, so I try to teach them how to keep their hosts healthier. An angel suspects I'm a necromancer, and shows up armed for a shootout... CAUTION: DISTURBING PREMISE, LOWBROW ANGEL |
ANTI-LUCID FLIGHT: by Wayan, 2016/8/30, a friendly nightmare begging me to go lucid. I fear falling? The drop increases. Want a softer surface? The rocks turn to dirt, then water. Want help? Here comes a flying dolphin. Oh, but I'm not dreaming... |
AVENUE OF TREES: by Anonymous #34; July 1911?, early 1924?, 1934/3/30, & Jan. 1947; four death-omen dreamlets, one predictive Every decade or so, I dream a loved one says farewell and walks down an avenue of trees. I wake to find that person's dying... |
THE BEEP TREE: by Wayan; c. 1998/7/11, a dreamlike but true story. I heard a noise out my window. I looked out, and saw something strange... |
BEETLE: by Daniel Quinn; spring 1941; a life-defining shamanic dream A black beetle insists I'm not needed or at home in the human world; my lifework is elsewhere... |
BOB THE TREE: by Catshall; c. 2013/6/21, a dream-haiku on our marriage I dreamt Bob was a tree-god enthroned in ivy. I said... |
BOND: by Wayan; 1981/10/31, a nightmare where I'm the nightmare. I'm James Bond. Captured and questioned, I lie to the enemy: the senators of the Committee on Intelligence Activities. Till I see myself through their eyes... CAUTION: SPY SEX, SPY MENTALITY |
BURN THE EGGS: by Wayan; 2008/1/20; a magical advisory nightmare with 15 sketches. Fighting an absolutist theocracy, my dragon-soul burns the church's dragon-nursery. The cost is terrible: a black vortex... CAUTION: ROMANTIC THREESOME GETS BURNED |
BURN HIS TREE: by Emily Joy; 2007/2/7; two linked nightmares on art Malevolent artwork terrorizes my baby and me! What's to be done?... |
CALVIN'S DREAM: by Calvin, c.1960?, a teen's sex dream on family & religious abuse I'm naked in a forest where the trees talk. They want my cock. A girl materializes, and we make love, but now the treefolk are our congregation, cheering us on. Only they call her my sister! She says "Yes. But I was never born. Dad beat Mom to abort me." She fades away, a ghost! I pick up a knife to protect Mom against Dad... CAUTION: PORNY SEX, SUDDEN GRIM END |
CHART THE GROWTH: by Brenda Ferrimani; 2004, painting of an incubated, oracular dream I asked my dreams "What's my truest purpose?" I dreamed my body was a tree, and a voice said "Chart the growth"... |
CLOTHO AND THE POOL OF DREAMS: by Jenny Badger Sultan; a 2015 painting weaving seven dreams (2014/5/4, 6/9, 7/1 & 9/4; 2015/5/23, 6/26 & 8/25) A portrait of Clotho, the Greek Fate who spins our life-threads, by a pool woven of my dreams from this time... |
CROW RIDE (ONE-WAY TICKET): by J.P., c.1920, a trickster dream A crow offers me a ride. I hang on tight and he flies me up into a beech tree where lots of other crows perch and talk. Then he flies me to another tree and leaves me. I think "How am I gonna get down?"... |
CRUISE: by "Michelle", 1990s; a recurrent predictive dream I never go on cruise ships but I keep dreaming I'm on one and meet the same man, and marry him..... |
CURSE HER IN THE OAK: by Wayan; 2009/9/28, dream poem on an odd job; Dreamverse #56 I'm a girl in rural Victorian England working as the county's magical protector. I have my hands full: a gang of thievish orphans has holed up in an invisibility tree! Showdown at the oak... |
DANCING REDWOODS: by Gayle Delaney, 1973 or 74, an incubated dream My fiancé and I got along impossibly well. I asked my dreams "Can this last?" I dreamed we were two redwoods, happy next to one another for centuries... |
DEAD OR ALIVE? by Nancy Price; 1948, a surreal, poetic dream from the borderzone Troutmet the moon-pigeon, Burtra the blackbird, a talking acacia, my dead father and my dead gardener all give me afterlife-advice... |
DID YOU THINK IT WOULD BE EASY?: by Wayan; 1995/1/15, a dream of slow liberation. Our Appalachian town revolts against fundamentalists, but brainwashing takes time to undo... CAUTION: SEX AND INJUSTICE |
A DREAM SESTINA: by Donald Justice, late 1950s? A nightmare-poem. "But what is wrong with my friends' faces? Why have they changed that way to wood?" |
THE DREAM TREE: by Roswila; May 1997, a dream-poem on roots I have no roots but those I steal--until my father leads me to a sacred tree, saying "Look to your mother"... |
DREAMKU, JUNE 2006: by Roswila; various dates up to June 2006; thirty dream-haiku Daily dream-poems in haiku style, nonstop for a month. A flood of animals, revenant ghosts, sex changes... |
DREAMKU, SEPTEMBER 2006: by Roswila; thirty dream-haiku with various dates from 1960-2006 One dream-poem in haiku style each day for a month! Ghosts, snow, penguins, yoga babies, elves who leave their tree... |
DREAMKU, JANUARY 2007: by Roswila; various dates up to January 2007; 31 dream-poems--mostly haiku A month of dreams full of science fiction: galactic navigation, spacedragons, oppressed fairies, alien love... |
DREAMKU, MARCH 2007: by Roswila; various dates up to March 2007; 31 dream-poems--mostly haiku Dream poems laid out like a calendar. Themes? Horses, camels, abused girls, vampires--all want their freedom... |
DREAMSIGNS: by Joseph Kemeny, 2011?, painting of lucidity prompts This dreamer is starting to notice certain subtle signs that all is not normal and this may be a dream. Well, not that subtle... |
EXPERIMENT WITH TIME by Nancy Price; 1948, a shamanic-initiation dream declined? I meet a girl who's 16 and 61, who tells me dreams are lives, not messages. But then I must fly over a sinister parade... |
FIVE ELVISH DREAMS: by Dolores J. Nurss; 2005/6/10-2005/6/19, an incubated lucid-dream sequence 1: I visit Elrond and Bilbo in Elvenhome, but overthinking traps me in a timeloop; 2: Elrond says he renounces seriousness for joy, and plans a great, inclusive party; 3: I feel unworthy, but set out on a desert quest with Elrond's young apprentice; 4: I meet joyful, drunken, singing elves but hide in a tree, too shy to join in; 5: I meet a nervous elven singer and a dolphin trapped in a tiny pool in my bedroom... |
FLIGHT, MARGARET, MOUSE, DOG: by Paul Nash, dreamed 1895-9 + Feb. 1913; art by Dave McKean As a child, landscape artist Paul Nash dreamed of flying over the countryside of southern England. But he was threatened by the legendary Black Dog... |
FLYING BED, TALKING BIRDS: by Wayan; 2015/1/6, a one-word shamanic advisory dream My bed floats high over southwest Morocco. Giant birds come fly lazily with me, croaking "Faster, faster!" But I'm busy with anti-desert eco-planning... |
GARDENIAS: by Laurel and Frank, 1979 or before, shared marital-advice dreams Laurel and Frank each dream the gardenia in their bedroom went neglected & unwatered, but with care is now blooming again... |
GEOMETRY OF DAWN: by Bruce Kawin, c.1983, a sexy metaphysical dream? My anima sends me on peculiar journeys--smoke rings, islands, conversations with a stone-- but at last it's just us. She has something more she wants to teach me. On that bed... CAUTION: ASTRAL COME-ON |
GRAVITREE: by Wayan; 2008/3/21, a character-evaluation dream. Just singing about the antigravitree lightens me. I bound around town. But then I find a diseased antigravitree is holding me down. It's become a gravitree! Gotta clear out that deadwood, no matter how messy, if I want to fly... |
GROUND ZERO: by Al Davison; 2001/9/9, a predictive dream-comic. Two days before 9/11, I dream I'm a child at ground zero, mourning the devastation--and witnessing rebirth. |
HIJACK! The Christmas Special: by Wayan; 2012/4/13, a trapped-in-bad-TV dream. I'm stuck on a jet full of cartoons. We get hijacked by a kid who just wants pilot practice, and then a talking cactus counter-hijacks us... CAUTION: THE F-WORD |
HITLER'S ROOST: by Wayan; 1983/2/14, a fierce dream-poem hinting at a dirty secret later bared I built a Bavarian treehouse with a great view, hoping Hitler'd confiscate it. He did! Now he's exposed to Allied spy planes--and assassination... CAUTION: CHILD-MOLESTING THERAPIST |
HOMEBOUND: by Sunshine; 2015/3/21, a dream posing an ethical dilemma Elves are making humans grow tree-doors back to Faerie. But are they invasion-scouts, or just going home? CAUTION: GUNFIGHT, MIND CONTROL |
HOW TO SURVIVE NUCLEAR WAR: by Maxine Kumin; early 1980s, a dream poem. In Japan, sick in bed, reading a book on radiation sickness, I dream of a restorative ritual for trees... CAUTION: GRUESOME |
IN THE STAR; 1988/9/12 by Wayan; an epic, out-of-body, intrastellar quest-dream I tour the heart of a red supergiant, where dreaming souls explore their fears and heart's desires, unconstrained by solid matter... CAUTION: SWEDENBORGIAN VISION, UNICORN NUDITY |
INDUSTRY'S SHORE: by Wayan; 2008/9/24, a dream poem; Dreamverse #30 In the hills above a polluted shore, I find hidden valleys with huge rare trees, and realize it's my choice... |
JASHA EXPLAINS DEATH: by Wayan; ca. 1974/10/1; a 10-page painted comic with recurrent dream figures Deep Duck's interview with Jasha the Krelkin goes rogue, as she urges tossing out human habits like... death? CAUTION: REDWOOD-SPRITE SEX, PEEING ON TREES, DRUNK DUCK |
THE KEROUAC TREE: by Wayan; 2 ill., 1983/3/18, a dream of fame and time. The true story of the very first tree-hugger. Not Kerouac! You'll never guess. In fact, you'll say it's impossible... |
THE LEAD HAZARD OF WITCHES: by Wayan; 2008/11/21; an alternate-world dream I'm in an America where witches are burned & abused women grow on trees. Yet three of us heal... CAUTION: CREEPY PARALLEL WORLD |
LIU AND YI (not to mention Kong!): by Liu Bang's mom, 257 BCE, and Yi Yin's mom, c.1600 BCE; birth-related dreams Liu Bang's mom dreams a spirit is making love to her. Her husband sees the spirit is a dragon! Her baby grows up to found the Han... Yi Yin's mom dreams a spirit warns "if water pours from your mortar, run!" She does, and survives a flood, to help found the Shang... CAUTION: LIKELY JUST FOLKLORE |
THE LIVERPOOL TREE: by Carl Jung, 1927/1/2; a World Tree dream painted as a mandala In dark, grimy, rainy Liverpool, a friend shows me a park with an islet in a pond, where a great magnolia tree shines--an oasis of light... |
LOOKING FOR LIBRIUM: by Jim Shaw; Jan. 1995?, a mutant Biblical dream After fighting off an electrified Orson Welles, I meet the twelve vulture-pine-politicians climbing Mt Sinai, looking for librium... |
THE LORD CHANCELOR'S NIGHTMARE: by Gilbert & Sullivan; 1882, a comic song-lyric on insomnia The Lord Chancelor can't sleep, and when at last he does, he drifts through nightmares full of baby lawyers and potted tradesmen sprouting fruit, and cutthroat corporate scheming. But that's Victorian dreaming! |
MAGIC SCHOOL: by Wayan, 1982/1/26: a waking event and replying dream. Phyllis Schlafly, killer of the Equal Rights Amendment, provokes a dream of being Captain Kirk trapped in a magic school with no way out but the graduate exam. Can I learn the lesson of the tree? CAUTION: POLITICAL JOURNALISM BEFORE THE DREAM. OH NO! |
MCKILLIP'S NEW BOOK: by Wayan; 2010/7/23, an epic literary dream I'm inside a magical novel by Patricia McKillip, amid tricksters, cosplayers, spooks, sex changes, levitation and (sigh) cops... CAUTION: COYOTE SEX |
MEAD'S ADVICE: by Beverly O'Neill; c.1977? 78? a dream on seeking a female rolemodel I try hard not to invade Margaret Mead's privacy, but I need her advice; after I find a fruit true growing in a forgotten room, she unbends... |
MENTOR: by Wayan; 2001/6/13, six advisory dreamlets. I meet a shapeshifting mentor who warns of coming war (9/11?). Then a sentient book, "The Art of War," gets intimately involved... CAUTION: ELECTRODES, LIBROPHILIA |
MITHRAN'S LAKE: by Wayan; 1988/1/17, a predictive dream justifying personal reserve. DREAM: Gay boys, underage girls & my own sister all mock me, sure I want their forbidden sexual fruit at a beach where grotesque trees make their own precipitation and salt-dunes spill into saturated, toxic brine... NEXT DAY: I read Margaret Atwood's The Salt Garden--sex, guilt, and grotesque trees in saturated, toxic brine. CAUTION: SEXUAL GUILT, EXHIBITIONIST TWEENS, APPARENT E.S.P. |
NEBUCHADNEZZAR'S TREE: by King Nebuchadnezzar II; c. 583 BCE, a predictive dream Nebuchadnezzar dreams a voice from heaven commands a great tree be cut; Daniel interprets this as a prediction the king will go mad for 7 years... |
NUCLEAR NIGHTMARES: by Erica DeMane, Michael, Joanne and Scott; c.1984, four creepy dreams Erica dreams that during a protest she's caught in a radioactive flood... Michael dreams a nuclear forcefield makes his fingertips explode and congeal into weird knobs... Joanne dreams she meets nuclear mutants with curling black nails great for peeling potatoes... Scott dreams the world goes silent and white, bleaching out. His hands dissolve... |
OSMAN'S DREAM: by Osman I, founder of the Ottoman Empire, 1280?, a predictive dream The moon rises from my friend's body, and sinks into mine. Then a great tree grows from my body, covering much of the world... CAUTION: ORAL TRADITION AT BEST |
PALM: by Wayan; 1994/12/9, a dreamtale on solitude. I hang my artshow, but cut my palm. So I dream of a palm tree whose only problem is the road it's by... |
THE PEGASI TUB: by Wayan; 2013/11/9, a fun, flirty dream I felt I didn't deserve After a rainy hike I'm cold and muddy. In the camp's hot tub, six girls splash and play. They welcome me, but I feel shy. They slowly become winged ponies! Were-Pegasi... CAUTION: HOT-TUB NUDITY |
PORTALS OF THE PAST: by Wayan, 2021/2/6; a timish dream. The time-caves under Golden Gate Park lead to supervillains, magical girls, miniphants, bamboo thugs, adorable dinosaurs, and... pandemics. But is there a way back home? |
RAGNHILD'S TREE and HALFDAN'S CURLS: by Queen Ragnhild and King Halfdan of Norway; c.850 CE twin dreams predicting their children and nation will prosper. Ragnhild sees a lovely tree rooted in her pain and blood; Halfdan sleeps with pigs and dreams he has a great head of hair... CAUTION: KIDNAPPING, ARSON, GENERAL BARBARISM (check the date!) |
THE RUNES: by Denise Levertov; c.1963, an identity-bent oracular dream I'm a small child in Finland writing out the meaning of three ancient runes about trees, ships and elbow room. They seem to hold serious advice... |
SILLA KRISTOS: by Silla Kristos, c.1634; a didactic during-death vision Silla Kristos angered Saint Walatta Petros, so she cursed him. He got sick and died. She knew she'd overdone it, and asked the Virgin Mary to revive him. Mary grumbled, but did. While dead, Silla Kristos got wise angelic advice... CAUTION: BRATTY SAINT, BRATTY MONK |
SNAKE POD TREE: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 1989/3/16, painting of a vivid dream image In a desert, I find a tree with red purselike pods. But they all seem empty, and I know they should each contain a vivid yellow snake... |
SNAKE TREE: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 1989/10/31, a dream revisioning Eden A woman up a tree has white flaky stuff camouflaging her. It cracks and peels like snakeskin. What tree is this, exactly? |
SOUL RESTORED: by Wayan; 2016/12/4, two dreams on deep change MY SOUL RESTORED: To hide me as I grew up, someone transplanted a shard of redwood-soul into me, and part of my soul into the tree! But now I'm grown... RED ROBE OF INITIATION: I came to play music, but I'm dragged to the magic-school portal & draped in... CAUTION: MYSTICISM |
SPOCK'S SPIRITS: by Wayan; 2000/3/12, a financial-advice dream. Lost in a dark maze of machine-shops, I follow Mr. Spock, who's drunk, and talks to tree-spirits... CAUTION: ALCOHOL AS INSPIRATION? |
SPY WITH A BUN: by Miss C, 1918, a dream experiment urged by J.W. Dunne DREAM: I meet a woman with a bun hairdo, black skirt, black & white striped blouse. I think she's a spy! TWO DAYS LATER: I meet that woman--bun, skirt, blouse. And all the hotel guests here say she's a spy... |
STEREO TREE-BRIDGE: by Wayan; 2023/1/27, a surreal predictive dreamlet DREAM: a weird footbridge of twisting tree-branches; with steps made of wood-cased stereo equipment! NEXT EVE: a birthday potluck with a twisting papier-maché trees. Steps lead up to a treehouse full of... |
TAG WITH A BOUNTY HUNTER: by "Caradon"; 2010/3/3, a playful lucid dream A bounty hunter stalks me through a jungle, but lucidity turns a potential nightmare to joy... |
TAROT: THE WINGED COYOTE (Freedom!): by Wayan; tarot card from a dream, 1979/3/14. I dreamed I was the Spirit of Mexico: a winged coyote flying around Sonora howling at the moon... |
TELEPATH TREES: by Wayan; 1993/9/11, a how-the-other-half-lives dream with 7 pics I dream Edward Abbey shows me a secret grove of telepath trees. That night, in my dreams inside my dream, they meet me... |
TIGER'S EYE CAVE: by Brian MacGregor, 2002-2003?, a predictive dream I dreamed of this tree growing out of a cave-mouth. Years later, in Guatemala, I was shocked to encounter my dream. That tree and that cave were all too surreal... |
THE TOOTH: by SAO (Shawn Allen O'Neal), 2003?, an epic, oracular, baffling dream |
Psychics give me an incomprehensible reading. A book from the tree-library gives only Victorian dating advice. At last a madman gives me a treasure-box holding a tooth that unfolds into slices carved in unreadable symbols... |
TREE OF LIGHT: by Carl Jung, mid-Nov. 1922; a vision of the World Tree |
The cosmic egg nests in the branches of the tree of life, glowing with Muspel-fire. But the tree must periodically burn to regenerate life... |
TREE, RIVER, BIRD, MOON: by Davi Kopenawa, 1959-62, a child's shamanic dreams |
I climbed a tree with a beautiful view, but climbing down I fell, and woke. I visited the people under the river. A beautiful ayocora bird danced for me. But so did the moon spirit, baring its fangs. Terrifying! |
UNGIRDLE THE TREE: by Wayan; dreamed 2018/10/6, a shamanic warning dream |
I'm a girl living alone in a forest. I go patrolling after a storm and find a red cable strangling a tree. Though scared, I climb up and tear it off. But there are more... CAUTION: POLITICAL INTERPRETATION |
UNICORN ORGY: by Wayan; sculpture group based on 1995/4/22 dream, finished 2004/3/30; 1' tall. |
A sculpted orgy of unicorns, dryads, and werewolf-satyrs designed to stand sideways on your wall... CAUTION: SEX |
UNSHADE TREES: by Wayan; 1981/7/18, an advice-dream. |
Unshade trees are ugly. But my friends list their uses: casting shadows lighter than sunlight, keeping land clear of other trees, and the fruit. Fruit? WHAT fruit? Am I blind? |
VOLCANIC OATH: by Wayan; 1972/5/20; poem of a teenage Tolkien nightmare. |
DAY: our ex-cat comes back, needing surgery. Dad doesn't want to pay. Big quarrel. DREAM: Cats, birds, elf-girls; in their asteroid library, a tale of oath-breaking... Now I'm the one who stole a tooth of jade from the volcano hall. Greed... erupts! CAUTION: NUDE BIRD-ELF, DEATH BY LAVA |
WHAT! MORE?: by Wayan; 300 x 500, ink 1985, digital color 2001. |
The world needs Zen cards, to balance out the Tarot. So here's my Zen pack--all one of them. One too many. |
WOLVES SITTING IN A TREE: by Sergei Pankejeff; winter 1888 or '89, a nightmare Freud made famous |
When I was very small I dreamt a pack of wolves climbed the tree outside my window and somehow got it open. Freud told me I must have seen my parents having sex doggy style... CAUTION: REALLY, DR. FREUD? |
YEW: by Mrs. Cl. of S.; 1670 or 71; a risky dream-prescription. |
In a dream, a dead friend told Mrs. Cl. how to cure her daughter's chronic illness: the yew tree. But yew is toxic... |
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