Dreamku Posted in January 2007
Dreamed various dates up to January 2007 by Roswila [aka: Patricia Kelly]
This month's dreamku have more scifaiku-like [sci-fi-haiku] themes (space, fairies, galaxies, Star Trek, etc.) than I've come to expect, so may seem further from being haiku or even senryu than usual. There's also more humor than I usually note in a month's worth of my dreamkus. Though humor is not unusual in regular or classic haiku by others and even in my scifaiku, it does tend to be in short supply in my dreamku. At least humor that I intend. :-)
A friend once said that she was quite puzzled by most of my dreamku, that they were rather different from "regular" haiku. I agree that the themes of my dream haiku are almost always quite different from non-dream haiku. However, what one of my dream haiku asks is to take on the dream image as if it were our own and see what that feels like, or what thoughts it generates. And how different is that from what non-dream haiku request of us? That is, non-dream haiku offer a moment for us to try on, or to get inside, as opposed to telling us what to experience or think.
So here are this month's dream haiku for you to try on. You can't get any of these "wrong." These are not puzzles to be figured out or solved. They are simply open for your experiencing... if I've done my job well enough setting the dream stage, and have also resisted the urge to give too much stage direction. That last may be the case in a few of these dream haiku below, i.e. I've over-directed. But I survive to dire... oops!... write again. :-)
I should mention that these haiku were not necessarily written on the date they were posted, nor were their source dreams dreamt on that date. I choose a dream haiku to post on any given day by looking through my handwritten notebook and picking one that appeals to me for one reason or another. The dream haiku in this little notebook are based on dreams I had from yesterday all the way back to many years ago. I do have the month and year of the dream recorded with the haiku so I could sort all these dream haiku in date order of their source dream should I ever want to.
January 1, 2007
we transmute
January 2, 2007
no time off
January 3, 2007
galactic journey
January 4, 2007
| I turn his rage
January 5, 2007
| she tries to get by
January 6, 2007
| quarantine...sunrise on the beach
January 7, 2007
| she rinses me off
January 8, 2007
| the toddler wanders
January 9, 2007
| she held us each
*Based on a dream of 1/7/07 about my 86-year-young friend who just died.
the sudden free fall
trying to hold
she'd offer a child
eons ago they
going places:
grief numbs
George Clooney naked:
Moses the cat
influence trap
I meet her in one
jammed in the doorway
the huge tree extends
tricked into
she distills symbols
we stalk rich folk
falling through space
snow on the way
whose butt is bigger
the star ship crew
Mama comes back to life
free and clear
Then as I was climbing the three flights of stairs to my apartment it hit me how I could improve on the ku – and the version above is what I've come to. Maybe all that climbing exercise got some blood to my poor brain? :-D
'til next time, keep dreaming,EDITOR'S NOTE--Roswila
On Roswila's own site, these dreamku were posted in one endless column. I have pasted them into a rough calendar form. This may impose a false three-day rhythm, but also displays a week's dreamku at once, revealing the echoing and evolving themes that appear as Roswila dreams about her writing and writes about her dreaming. Self-sculpting bonsai!
--Chris Wayan
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