Osman's Tree
Dreamed c.1280 by Osman, founder of the Ottoman Empire
Osman saw himself and his host [his friend Edebali] reposing near each other.Source: Wikipedia article Osman's Dream (as of early June 2022)
From the bosom of Edebali rose the full moon and inclining towards the bosom of Osman it sank upon it, and was lost to sight [i.e. inside his torso].
After that a goodly tree sprang forth, which grew in beauty and in strength, ever greater and greater.
Still did the embracing verdure of its boughs and branches cast an ampler and an ampler shade, until they canopied the extreme horizon of the three parts of the world. Under the tree stood four mountains, which he knew to be Caucasus, Atlas, Taurus, and Haemus.![]()
These mountains were the four columns that seemed to support the dome of the foliage of the sacred tree with which the earth was now centered.
From the roots of the tree gushed forth four rivers, the Tigris, the Euphrates, the Danube, and the Nile.
Tall ships and barks innumerable were on the waters.
The fields were heavy with harvest.
The mountain sides were clothed with forests.
Thence in exulting and fertilizing abundance sprang fountains and rivulets that gurgled through thickets of the cypress and the rose.
In the valleys glittered stately cities, with domes and cupolas, with pyramids and obelisks, with minarets and towers.
The Crescent shone on their summits: from their galleries sounded the Muezzin's call to prayer.
That sound was mingled with the sweet voices of a thousand nightingales, and with the prattling of countless parrots of every hue.
Every kind of singing bird was there.
The winged multitude warbled and flitted around beneath the fresh living roof of the interlacing branches of the all-overarching tree; and every leaf of that tree was in shape like unto a scimitar.
Suddenly there arose a mighty wind, and turned the points of the sword-leaves towards the various cities of the world, but especially towards Constantinople.
That city, placed at the junction of two seas and two continents, seemed like a diamond set between two sapphires and two emeralds, to form the most precious stone in a ring of universal empire.
Osman thought that he was in the act of placing that visional ring on his finger, when he awoke.
Sheikh Edebali was a historical figure and Osman/Othman/Ottoman likely did marry his daughter, starting the Ottoman lineage, which the dream seems to anticipate. But Osman's early life is essentially undocumented; the first written record of this dream is about a century later. So the dream is likely either a story made up to retroactively legitimize his line, or an oral tradition, with its accumulated distortions.
Can we tell if it's based on a real dream? Compare it to the deep strangeness of some other dynastic dreams which seem to me likely to be real: Torch-Bearer and Gunnhildr's Birth Dream. Still, there's a spectrum of such dreams; Ragnhild's Tree & Halfdan's Curls are rather like Osman's; yet they may well be real dreams smoothed by oral transmission and then conventional (i.e. monkish and nationalistic) recorders.
I've had folks insist my dreams can't be "real dreams", so I'm slow to call any dream account a fake.
--Chris Wayan
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