Burn His Tree
Two linked nightmares on art, dreamt 2007/2/7 by Emily Joy
1: MOM
I was a mother with a toddler who was just learning to walk. We were sitting in a tree together... but the wrong tree.
For in this tree dwelt a spirit named John, who took the shape of a huge disfigured walking-stick insect. John tries to kill anyone who climbs his tree! He chased us all the way down the trunk, gaining on us, until I grabbed my baby and leapt to the ground. Heavy broken branches rained down on us. I took the blows, shielding my child...
Much later, in a different dream, I was the chief of the fire department. We got called to the scene of a wildfire. John's tree was in the heart of it, burning brightly. I got my team moving to put out the rest of the fire...but I left his tree to burn.
When it was reduced to embers clinging to a charred husk, I returned, crunching over the black waste, to apologize to John... and exorcise him from this place for good.
Have you seen the ghost of John,
Long white bones and the rest all gone?
Oo-oo oo-oo oo-oo oooooo...
Wouldn't it be chilly with no skin on?
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