This list also has a few dream-poems by others inspired by Roswila's dreamku, like Sky-Thaw.
Roswila's own site at is huge, literate, and friendly, with solid advice on ways to use dream material in poetry and copious links to other good sites. It's about my favorite personal dreamsite these days.
RELATED TOPICS: dream haiku - poetry - the Dreamverse project - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
BREAK / FAST: by Roswila; c. 1987, a poem of a predictive dream My friend stuffs a broken feeder with birdseed. I worry it'll attract too many wild birds. He laughs "Exactly!"... |
DANCING BACKWARD: by Roswila; 2007/5/21, a punning dream-poem I just watch as all the dance students practice the jive step. I think I already know that one... |
THE DREAM TREE: by Roswila; May 1997, a dream-poem on roots I have no roots but those I steal--until my father leads me to a sacred tree, saying "Look to your mother"... |
A DREAMKU PRIMER: by Roswila; 2007; how-to guide to dream haiku Distilling a dream to one key image can clarify it. But don't be ruled totally by traditional haiku form... |
DREAMKU, JUNE 2006: by Roswila; various dates up to June 2006; thirty dream-haiku Daily dream-poems in haiku style, nonstop for a month. A flood of animals, revenant ghosts, sex changes... |
DREAMKU, SEPTEMBER 2006: by Roswila; thirty dream-haiku with various dates from 1960-2006 One dream-poem in haiku style each day for a month! Ghosts, snow, penguins, yoga babies, elves who leave their tree... |
DREAMKU, JANUARY 2007: by Roswila; various dates up to January 2007; 31 dream-poems--mostly haiku A month of dreams full of science fiction: galactic navigation, spacedragons, oppressed fairies, alien love... |
DREAMKU, MARCH 2007: by Roswila; various dates up to March 2007; 31 dream-poems--mostly haiku Dream poems laid out like a calendar. Themes? Horses, camels, abused girls, vampires--all want their freedom... |
DREAMKU, APRIL 2007: by Roswila; various dates up to April 2007; 30 dream-poems--mostly haiku Dream haiku laid out like a calendar. Roswila's favorite is the pirate, but mine is the were-salamander... |
EXPLORATION OF TAROT IMAGES IN A DREAM: by Roswila, 1998; an analytical numerate dream Tarot cards fuse and meanings layer, to warn me I've similarly (con)fused> real and trance-induced memories during therapy... CAUTION: ABUSE ISSUES |
FATHER CARES: by Roswila, 2007/9/7?; a dream haiku A watershed dream for me, since my relationship with my father was, shall I say, conflicted... CAUTION: ABUSE ISSUES |
FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH: by Roswila, August 2002; a dream-poem illustrating dream reentry My horse and I dove into a lagoon and sought buried treasure on the sea-floor. What are we really after? |
A GOTHIC TALE: by Roswila; 2000/4/7, a dream-poem Nightwalkers lured our empath away. We come to their castle to rescue her. But she's pregnant with magic. Will she come or stay? |
LITTLE DEVILS: by Roswila, 2007/10/30; a dreamku A dream haiku of little devils dancing the conga. What's it mean? Well, check the date... |
A MATE FOR THE BLACK STALLION: by Roswila; 2009/3/15, a dream-poem A mare's brought in to save a rare bloodline. She's young but as extraordinary as her mate: part filly, part feline... |
MOVING: by Roswila, 2007/10/13 and 2007/10/23; a recurring dreamku My dreams support a radical break from my past--to let go of possessions and friends in a cross-country move... |
MUTT HUNCH: by Roswila, 2007/11/13; a dreamku A dream haiku telling of a dog-pack saved by the intuition of a mutt with a mangled ear... |
ON BEING NEEDY/NEEDED: by Roswila; February 2002, a dream-poem In her kitchen she offers me shortcake. She's short herself, for she gives away all to everyone--only her bodiless head is left... |
ON DRAGONS: by Roswila; July 1986, three poems of dragon dreams The first two dragons numb my pain. I demand it back, and soon regret my haste. But the third dragon I seduce, for I'm a dragon now... |
THE OTHER PILLAR: by Roswila; 2007/12/9, a double dreamku A kinky seduction slips into something more uncomfortable: the Qabbalah? Or possibly leather... CAUTION: EROTICA OR ESOTERICA? |
ONE-EYED BOY: by Roswila; 2009/4/5, a dreamku on the limits of desire You'd think his Christmas wish would be "a new eye"; well it was, in a way... |
SASQUATCH FOOTPRINT: by Roswila; May 1996, a dream-poem on the loss of wildness I meet a female Bigfoot, who, to my surprise, quietly speaks my tongue. She's mourning the death of her infant son... |
PEGASUS LANDS: by Roswila; early 1990s? A collaborative haiga [picture-poem] of a dream Haiku by Roswila of a dream of meeting a winged horse, illustrated by her late friend Janet... |
SHE DREAMS OF BELLY DANCING: by Daughn Lee and Roswila; 1999 (2000?), a collaborative dream-poem Alternating stanzas by very different poets, based on Roswila's dream of bellydancing in the streets... |
SKY-THAW; 2012/6/8 by Wayan; a comic, surreal, political dream-poem While watching two rooftop actors (one a chicken) I noticed the icebergs in the sky were melting at last... |
SONG FOR THE DANCE: by Roswila; 2000/11/25, a dream-poem A joyful song about ignoring your critics. The last stanza came verbatim from the dream... |
STABBED ALIVE: by Roswila; 2007/10/9, a nightmare-poem I defeat the knife-wielder, in spite the blade in my belly I can't pull out. I may have to let it be... |
SURFACE TENSION: by Roswila; 2007/12/8, an anxiety-dream poem Skimming over the lake on surface tension as two sharks prowl beneath, I'm not sure who's fishing for whom... |
THIS DREAM HAUNTS THE DAY: by Roswila; 1999, a dreampoem on transference My father's trapped in a crashed car. But I'm distracted by a young man whose palm cups a living flame... |
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