This Dream Haunts the Day
Dreamed 1999 by Roswila [aka: Patricia Kelly]
[Editor's note: Roswila originally posted this dream-poem to help demonstrate three ways of handling dream-poetry. This one illustrated her third approach, described below]
This is the method I most commonly use. Working from memory, i.e., no reference to the original dream transcript, I begin writing a poem about a dream or dream image that has kept me intrigued. I will occasionally leave out parts of the original dream that seem unnecessary to the poem as it is unfolding. This third approach tends to yield a partial "interpretation" of the dream or dream image of which I was not previously aware. [In the] sample poem, the writing process produced the insight in the last stanza.
Others try to free her father
Her father wishes she would
Her young dark-haired suitor
Aghast, she smacks out the flame
On waking I regret my act:
By the way, I've found not every dream I attempt to base a poem on or try to re-enter, lends itself to these sorts of explorations. Yet just trying can sometimes reveal a useful insight into the dream.
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