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The Amazons' Offer

Dreamed 2012/6/13 by Wayan

Pencil sketch of a dream by Wayan; two Amazon riders leap through invisible midair portals; a third, afoot, plays ringmaster. Click to enlarge.
Forty-two Amazons camp in our back
field. Mares, fires. It's a lie that they hack
A breast to ease their bowshots--easily seen,
For they sport just plumage, ash and grin.

They're on a spatiotemporal quest. How'd
They enter our time? They show me, proud--
Mount in twin caravan files, howl and ride
Full-gallop at a sister on foot: a guide

like an orchestra conductor akimbo, nude.
Parts thunderseas like a pagan god.
Valkyries flank her, whoop, leap steep--
fade and disappear! A portal, mid-air.

A long breath. Scouts burst, unghost
from void to bone, land dancer-clean.
Blue dusk. Fire-tawny singers croon
Wide sagas of explore. I long to join.

One says "We'd welcome one who'd dare!"
Shall I try? Can I leap through?
Not one ripple in the azure air.
Dive away. Would you?

Pencil sketch of a dream by Wayan; an Amazon rider painted in zebra stripes. Click to enlarge.
Pencil sketch of a dream by Wayan; an Amazon in feathers and snake tattoos. Click to enlarge.


Detail of pencil sketch of a dream by Wayan; two Amazon riders leap through invisible midair portals; a third, afoot, plays ringmaster.

LISTS AND LINKS: horses and riders - warriors - quests - gender - babes and hunks - nudity - dance and choreography - There Are Doors - astral planes - guides and animas - lost opportunities - courage, cowardice and choice - dream poems - pencil dream-art - Bernobich, Beth

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