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Dreamed 1961 by Al Davison

Page 1 of 'Merboy', a comic by Al Davison telling a childhood dream.
Page 2 of 'Merboy', a comic by Al Davison telling a childhood dream.
Page 3 of 'Merboy', a comic by Al Davison telling a childhood dream.

Cartoonist and dreamworker Al Davison was hospitalized on and off as a young child. In his intense autobiographical work The Spiral Cage (1990, Titan; republished 2003 by Active Images with 40 pages of additional material) he didn't date or title this early dream, but context makes it clear he was only about a year old--a record for earliest dream remembered, at least among the World Dream Bank's thousands of entries. It's no fluke; many pieces in Spiral Cage go back to his very earliest years.

--Chris Wayan

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