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Two Children Menaced by a Nightingale

Dreamed 1897 & illustrated 1924 by Max Ernst

A red wooden gate affixed to the painted surface opens onto a painted scene dominated by blue sky. At left, a female figure brandishes a small knife; another falls limp in a swoon; a man atop the roof carries off a third, his hand outstretched to grab a real knob fastened to the frame.

Two Children Menaced by a Nightingale. Dream assemblage by Max Ernst, 1924. Click to enlarge.

The title of the work (inscribed at the base), was inspired by a fever dream the young Max Ernst experienced while in bed with measles. As Ernst recalled... the dream was "provoked by an imitation-mahogany panel opposite his bed, the grooves of the wood taking successively the aspect of an eye, a nose, a bird's head, a menacing nightingale, a spinning top, and so on."

LISTS AND LINKS: childhood dreams - fever & disease - birds - threats - kids - surrealism - paint - collage & assemblage - a century later, a dream-creature tries to Open the Door!

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