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"You'll Grow Out of That"

Dreamed spring 1924 by Graham Donaldson

My dear friend Edward Kent Craig died at Alva, Stirlingshire, in the autumn of 1923, aged 32.

About six months after his death, I dreamt one night that I was walking along a dark country lane on a black, stormy night.

I came to a 'water-splash' where a rushing stream crossed the road. Rather frightened, I waded as far as the middle, but with the ice-cold water swirling about my knees, I lost my nerve and was nearly swept away.

Then Eddie (he was a great strong man) suddenly appeared, lifted me in his arms and carried me safely across.

I suddenly looked at him in horror: "Eddie," I cried, "but you're dead!"

"No, I'm not," he said, looking at me very straight.

"But you are!" I said.

With a little smile, "You'll grow out of that, Donnie," he said...

...and I awoke.

Postscript: "You'll grow out of that," was a favourite expression of E.K.C.'s.

SOURCE: The Dream World by Rodolphe L. Megroz, pp. 130-1.

LISTS AND LINKS: night - water - fear - friends - rescue - revenants - dream advice - death - a 2nd Donaldson dream: Clocktown - more Megroz

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