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Dreamed 1855/9/8 by Sydney Dobell

In Sydney Dobell's Life and Letters (1878, vol. i), he writes from Inverness to a friend, in September, 1855:

I must tell you a vision I had the night of the fall of Sevastopol--a vision told next morning to credible witnesses, and enough to make the fortune of a would-be clairvoyant.
I thought I was talking with an unbeliever on the signs of 'the last days.' It was evening: he pointed to it, and scoffingly asked: ''When there shall be no light there?" As he spoke, the evening star, which was hanging in the clear sky before us--large, full, fruity, like a Scottish star--began to swell and swell, till, as it reached the stature of the sun, and the whole earth lay in glaring day beneath it--it set off swift as a meteor in a perpetual circuit round the heavens. Every corner of the land was scorched as by a day of incessant lightnings. The people flooded out, as at the opening of the sixth seal. Oh--the upturned faces with that light on them--the gestures, the voices!
I leapt out of bed and went to the window to see that it was not real. I came back, and said, "I have had, not a dream, but a vision." This happened on the night of Saturday, the eighth, while the Russians were burning Sevastopol.

--Sydney Dobell

Anybody is at liberty to see in this an instance of reasonable anticipation preying upon the dreamer's mind, though in fact the burning of Sevastopol was a highly improbable event. Perhaps those who favour clairvoyance have a stronger case than usual in this large class of visions that may be described as impersonal, though, if the mind can indeed pick up mental messages, there seems no reason why it should not be sensitive to the thoughts of many minds all at high tension.

--R.L. Megroz--

SOURCE: The Dream World by Rodolphe L. Megroz, p. 214.

LISTS AND LINKS: apocalyptic dreams - fire - cities - war - self-flagging dreams - telepathy? - ESP in general - more Megroz - Crimea

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