Runaway Moons
Dreamed 2011/4/6 by Wayan
Huge new moons appear. Two
Europas, rust-orange to glacier-blue Swathed in Titan-haze. Ice, air! A terraformable pair. They hug Earth; raise frightful tides.
Couple to kiss and lovingly collide--
merging (I hope) without a System-wide rock-and-lawsuit storm. Rightly fused, this New Mars will become
But my orbits err! So rogue moons pour
| onto the lanes of Franklin Street in San Francisco, busy, steep. Motors roar as drivers swerve hysterically away from moon-stampede! Thunder down cratered, bouncing, willful. They do obey the one-way signs. So far. Io, stupid cow, prods Big Sis to ricochet
If they bowl straight on like this, they'll roll
| Through Fort Mason--the low grass knoll may stop them--if not, it IS the least bad shore in town to toss a boulder off. Half-wild. Speeding now. Good luck, Highway Patrol! Two units howl and gun, but quickly learn moons are hard to tase. Ganymede leads the charge across Lombard.
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