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The Snake Under Someone's Bed

Dreamed 1978/10/19 by Miriel and Chris Wayan, as told by Chris

My sister & I both dream of green snakes under our beds. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

There is a rattlesnake or green poisonous snake crawling under my bed.

I wake--sort of. I still believe there really is a snake. I fear to move, even to turn on the light and check.

After long minutes, I do. Actually have to look under the bed before I can try to sleep again.

Later that night, I dream of the snake again--a gigantic rattler now.


My sister Miriel tells me "I dreamed there was a green snake under my bed..."

LISTS AND LINKS: snakes - beds - nightmares - Miriel - telepathic & shared dreams - psychic dreams in general - digital dream art - that second snake dream: Rattler by the Controls

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