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My Mother and I

Dreamed c.1910? by J.S.


I dreamt that I was walking along a road and finally got to a hill which I ascended. I saw my uncle ahead of me and behind me I saw my stepfather coming. I didn't know what to do, wait for my stepfather or catch up with my uncle.

Finally I waved my hat to tell my stepfather to come faster and I went over the hill. My uncle had preceded me over the hill and when I was going down the hill I saw my stepfather coming up and walking fast. I motioned to him to come still faster.

When I got to the top of the next hill, my uncle had already crossed it. There I suddenly saw my mother standing and she asked me, "Where are you going?"

"I don't know. I am trying to catch my uncle and also wait for my stepfather."

Then she said, "You had better go home with me." She was sick in bed at the time [in the waking world, not the dream].

I turned around to go with her and woke up.


Before I told my mother this story, she told me,

"I dreamt of you last night. I dreamt that your uncle passed over this road. I saw you pass too and I tried to grab hold of you but missed you. I also saw your stepfather coming behind you."

My mother had had a bad boil that night. She motioned to me to come, saying, "Come here." I told her that I had had the same dream. The boil burst then and she became well.

This is the way my mother interpreted the dream. She said, "Your uncle will die first, then you will die and then your stepfather."

However, my stepfather died first, my uncle afterwards, and I am still alive.

SOURCE: The Dream in Primitive Cultures edited by Jackson Lincoln, 1935, p 292-3 in 1970 reprint. Primary source: interviews of Ottawa Indians in 1927; unpub. field notes by Paul Radin. Dream date uncertain but clearly many years earlier.

LISTS AND LINKS: cars & roads - journeys, searches & quests - family - telepathic & shared dreams - psychic dreams (all types) - moms - illness - dreamwork & interpretation - longevity?, life-arcs? & death? - oops! - Native American dreams - more J.S.: Playmates, Graves & especially Longevity Road

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