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Ring of Stars

Dreamed by Gayle Delaney, c.1967

The [inspirational] dream is experienced as a translation of the primary experience [of transcendence] into terms that the dreamer can relate to and recall; however, the dreamer usually recognizes that translating these experiences unfortunately limits their richness and scope... They may even be aware of choosing the images and producing the dream translation. Very often, only the dream translation is recalled, perhaps with an inkling that "there was much more to the dream, but I can't remember it."

I had an experience like this, in which I felt I understood that the universe worked perfectly. Its purpose was just to exist, and its existence was completely joyous. I knew that I was an individual particle in this universal aliveness and yet one with it. I felt a profound sense of individual integrity and, at the same time, of unity and harmony. It was clear to me that beneath appearances all things worked in total creative and blissful harmony, and I was a part of it all. Thus far, I was aware of no images, only of this immediate perception.

Then, realizing that I might need something specific to remember, I decided to imagine this experience in images. I somehow "chose" to represent the universe by a glowing, glistening, flowing circle of countless stars which were all the individual consciousnesses of the total oneness. I was one of those stars. The feeling of completeness, harmony, and joy permeated the dream.

Upon awakening, I seemed to remember both the dream and the much fuller experience that preceded it. My experience of life had been changed. Twenty years after that experience, I have never lost the faith that at bottom the true nature of life is one of joyous harmony, and that my life's work is to discover, or rediscover that fact. In times of distress, the living memory of my momentary glimpse of that harmony not only has comforted me but has encouraged me to look for meaning behind my difficulties.

SOURCE: Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney (1988 ed, 1996 reprint) p.211. In other dated dreams like Otto Preminger's House "years ago" seems to be measured from 1988. If she means from 1996, "20 years ago" would be 1976, not '67.

LISTS AND LINKS: transcendent & cosmic dreams - joy - choice - memory - lucidity? - I'm Just Not Myself Today! - platform-bent dreams - more Gayle Delaney

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