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Be Fierce or Die

Dreamed between 1982 & '87 by Gayle Delaney

The night before I was to fly to Seattle to negotiate my salary as host for a three-hour daily radio show, I incubated a dream asking for a strategy to deal with the vice-president and program manager. This would be my first experience in bargaining, since I had always been in private practice and never worked for an organization. I needed all the help I could get. That night I dreamt:

I arrive in a foreign land, very different from my own. As I get out of the car, I sense a bit of medieval Japan where "bushido," or honor, loyalty, fierceness, and courage are the cultural values that count. I suddenly realize that everyone in this land will try to kill me (or anyone) upon first encounter.

If I want to survive and thrive in this environment, I must be ready to kill anyone I meet and let each one know that. Only then will there be mutual respect between myself and others in this fierce land.

I awoke with a surge of warriorlike fierceness. That afternoon, as I sat in the sunny corner office of the station's vice-president, my dream feelings coursed through me. As the VP offered me a certain modest salary I deflected the conversation to other issues and continued to do so every time he raised his offer.

I felt quite confident and was free to enjoy the encounter without any illusions that this man was on my side.

We concluded the meeting when he agreed to pay me more than two and one-half times what he had originally offered, the exact amount that an experiened radio host and friend had suggested would be a dream come true for a rookie host.

SOURCE: Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney (1996 ed) p.179-80

LISTS AND LINKS: dream incubation - bushido and warrior codes - Japan - diplomacy & negotiation - assertion - business, money & financial advice - more Gayle Delaney - the bushido of kittens, in: Cat-Slash

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