Cat Slash
Dreamed 1991/12/29 by Wayan
A stump as tall as me, with several half-fused trunks lopped off at various heights. Not rooted--it's on a stage. Audience seating's to west, backstage east.
Cats lounge around the stump or on its lop-shelves. Four: a feral white housecat; a spotted wild cat, bigger than a bobcat and with a long tail; a black panther, larger still; and an oddly striped gray cat huge as a lion--some rare breed of tiger?
The tiger snarls at the panther who snarls at the lynx-size cat who threatens the housecat. Who doesn't back down a bit! None of them do. Slash and hiss right back! For cats, pride matters more than size.
I blunder too close. The panther stalks over to me. I feel panic--I'm just as big, but those claws are so big & sharp! But I hide my panic, hiss & slash with my hand--even though I have no claws at all! But the cat understands territoriality--backs off a bit, accepting the boundaries I've established, and we both relax. All do. If one had attacked me and I'd panicked, they all might have decided I'm prey not a peer.
But cats respect self-respect!
I'm in Roommate Referral, San Francisco's largest rental listings center, looking at house-share notices in binders.
Someone comes in with a HUGE dog. Wow, good luck finding a place that'll accept THAT monster!
Then I hear a deep tiger growl behind me. Turn my head, and three inches from my nose, a cat one-tenth the dog's size slashes at him.
And Dogzilla backs off.
I can learn from that cat. Defense isn't always about winning. It's not just physical. It expresses self-respect. And others read it as such.
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