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Classical Birds

Dreamed by Anonymous #58, 1979 or before, as told by Gayle Delaney

Colorful singing birds on a musical staff. Dream sketch by Wayan.

A middle-aged man who had begun to feel his spiritual and emotional life was stagnating incubated a dream, asking that it remind him of the vivid beauty of the inner world. He said that he had forgotten "the first and most important part of the dream" but that he remembered this much:

I am on a hike in a new and beautiful land. I pass a tree with incredibly gorgeous birds in it. The birds are of different vivid living colors: reds, roses, oranges, and purples. I am enchanted by their beauty and the peace and happiness that surrounds them.

I lie down under the tree to rejoice in their lovely song.

Then I wonder if, by wishing it, I could turn their song into classical music with familiar instruments interpreting their song. Yes! What a joy! I have never heard music so heavenly. I feel a contentment and participation in the beauty of the universe that fills my soul with great happiness.

The fact that the dreamer experienced this happiness while asleep made it no less real to him. He felt that his prayer for renewal of his inner life had been answered.

SOURCE: Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney (1996 ed. p.213, or 1981 ed. p138-9). Digital sketch by Wayan.

LISTS AND LINKS: business - workaholism, habit, fatigue & burnout - dream incubation - transcendent dreams - lucidity? - joy - choice - birds - music - more Gayle Delaney - Nancy Price's similar dream: The Song

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