Ursula K. Le Guin
There's also an entire planet I built as a tribute to her utopian novel "The Dispossessed": Serrana, a cooperative civilization of six species that evolves on a planet intentionally echoing Anarres, her anarchist world.
Oh--there's also one small dream-poem by Le Guin, You Cannot Stay Forever.
RELATED TOPICS: literary dreams - bibliography of dream-related books - two more dream-provocateurs: Patricia McKillip - J.R.R. Tolkien - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
AELFWINE: by Wayan; 1997/12/4, dreams within dreams... about dreams. I go to a lucid-dreaming party, meet the Child who Dreams the World, and find the Body under the Bed... |
ART OR PROPAGANDA?: by Wayan; dreamed 2008/2/7, 3 dream-reactions to Philip Pullman's books There's a rare dream-type that can change reality itself. I study its EEG trace. Can I learn to do it?... I'm arguing with musicians--what's better, music that serves your goals, or purely great music... I'm bored in class. Draw sexy furries. The babydykes by me do too! Art'll summon the girls we want... CAUTION: PHILOSOPHY! OH NO! |
BACKWARD BOOB: by Wayan; 2018/6/17, a grotesque dreamlet I pass a jogger with her upper torso twisted 180 degrees round, unable to see straight... CAUTION: DISSES IGNORAMUSES--YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. OH WAIT, YOU DON'T. |
BRANDY'S CURSE: by Wayan; 1996/10/23, a bizarre dream (even for me). After I saw the film "Surviving Picasso" (he's brilliant but treats women like dirt) I dream a sexy friend asks me to remove a strange curse. But can I?... |
CHARACTER ISOLATED BY A DEED: by Wayan; 1992/3/13, a dream's eye view of waking minds. People SAY they like realistic characters they can identify with, but they don't ACT like it... |
COYOTE'S VAULT: by Wayan; 1994/5/4, a shamanic dream of the future. One of the Time Vaults has opened. That means a historical crisis is at hand. Guess who gets to go in... |
FOUR-ARMED SINGER: by Wayan; 1996/5/16; a dream of baring your soul . In our mutant future, a lovely horse-tailed four-armed girl sings her heart out--as clubgoers ignore her... CAUTION: NUDE CABARET |
THE HEDGEHOG DISPENSARY: by Wayan; 2004/10/2, furtopian watercolor 12-page dreamcomic (or text + pics) A rabbit shaman makes his student drape dead hedgehogs round her neck til she bleeds. How to free her? CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY, ABUSIVE MENTOR |
THE LEASH: by Wayan; 1995/6/26, a dreamfable. Alien abductions upset us--being studied, treated like animals. But isn't that how we treat other species-- study, exploit, ignore their feelings? That night, I dream one dog on a leash paralyzes a civilization... |
RING OF WHITE WATER: by Wayan; 1983/1/30, an epic astral dream. I'm a raft guide on a circular river that may just be reincarnation. A girl in my tour group jumps ship: she dreads the white water of rocky relationships ahead... CAUTION: METAPHYSICS, SEX, WEAK SOULS... |
ROBINSON JEFFERS AS A SHAMAN: by Wayan; 1996/7/28, a life-review, with 2016/10/22 followup Jeffers, that harsh, visionary, ecological poet, seems drunk on Darwinism, blind to kindness--or is he just reporting Big Sur's true, mean spirit(s)? CAUTION: LITERARY AND MYSTICAL |
ROSE AND THE THORN: by Wayan; 1986/7/1, a dream on those too meek to ask. We're swallowed by Swamp Sofas and enslaved to The Man Who Prays on Us. Time to grow some thorns! |
SERRANA: by Wayan; Oct-Dec 2004, a sculpture/webtour; 60 maps, photos & sketches A dry little world with many small seas, Serrana has at least six intelligent species and an anarchist culture. It's a tribute to Ursula Le Guin's anarchist utopia, "The Dispossessed", and Kropotkin's theories of biological cooperation... CAUTION: ANARCHIST POLITICS, ALIEN NUDITY |
SHEVEK'S TIME-SLIP: by Wayan; 1996/10/14, a chronohomeostatic dream. Shevek invents time-travel and discreetly alters the past. But the future alters Shevek's present, to undo his changes! Who's sabotaging him? Or... WHAT? |
SLAVES ON RED MARS: by Wayan; 1999/8/15, a dreamfable on will. As Mars demands independence from Earth, Jovians enslave us all! Now freedom-fighting is personal... |
SWAN: by Wayan; 1995/4/8, a transformation dream; 3-page dreamcomic (or as ill. text) I wake amnesic in a cabin in Alaska, in a dress printed with self-putdowns. I track down the wizard who cursed me. He turns me into a swan! Worse? No! His first curse was on a human being, and now I'm a bird. My mind is free!... |
TEMENOS: by Wayan; 1997/6/17, a psychic dream. I'm at a Robert Bly camp for men only. But I'm no man--not even human--some faun or satyr-like species... CAUTION: THIS 'TEMENOS' IS A SACRED PHALLIC IMAGE |
TUBA BEANS: by Wayan; 1996/3/24, a Star Trek dream. Changelings invade our orbital station, selling drugs, kidnapping teachers--but Constable Odo can handle that. What's weird are the beans pouring out of that kid's tuba... |
TURNER'S RECURRING DREAMS: by Jack Turner, 1991-2, a set of genderbent grief dreams After my mother died, I dreamed I was a girl living after the Apocalypse. I rode my elk past cars full of corpses, saw friends die, and never could find a single fertile mate... |
TURTLE HARANGUE: by Wayan; 1997/1/29, a warning dream. A man mocks a turtle he caught, calling it "inept"--he knows adept turtles, then? I distract this fisherman-ranter while the turtle quietly tiptoes... |
WHO CENSORS BIRTH?: by Wayan; 1994/5/2, a dream speculation. I'm assisting a hard birth as photos are shot for an article. Why's birth so rarely seen, what do we fear? |
YOU CANNOT STAY FOREVER: by Ursula Le Guin; c.1970, creepy hypnogogic verses You cannot stay forever / on this side of the river with darkness coming over / and salt has lost its savor... |
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