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24 Frames a Minute

An undream improv, 2010-2023, by Wayan
dedicated to Molly Bang & Lynda Barry

Panel from '24 Panels a Minute', an improv comic by Wayan in ink.

Most of this was drawn in 2010, in one intense improv, each panel's shapes and themes suggesting the next (it had to; in ink, you can't erase!); but then I got stuck. But I kept a scan of it in my 'to finish' folder.

Years later, I found two different how-to-compose books with the same title.

Molly Bang's PICTURE THIS uses brutally simple geometric cutouts to prove (and prove why) composition alone can generate mood.

Lynda Barry's PICTURE THIS is about the art-trance as comfort and healing--process, not product. Her pages have incredible texture and the interplay between words and images is brilliant, but the layouts seem boxy and static to me, after Molly Bang's lessons.

The contrast made me see I draw neither as Bang or Barry. I aim for organic shapes, color, openness. Grace, sexiness, spirituality. Not claiming I achieve any of that.

But I went back to 24 Frames, and cleaned up the panels for an hour, emphasizing what I learned from Bang and Barry... and declared it done. After a mere 13 years.

Note: 24 frames a second is standard for film. But you have to give comics more time. For this, 24 a minute is about right--that's 2.5 seconds a panel.

'24 Panels a Minute', an ink improv comic by Wayan.

LISTS AND LINKS: art experiments - fast & slow - book-inspired art - comics - ink - improv & automatic drawing - more improv COMIX: Wing It! (pencil) - Pentalemma (digital) - Utopia (paint) - Blackground (paint) - Lynda Barry

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