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Aslan Swoops

Dreamed 1985/1/19 by Wayan

I'm sitting at a sidewalk cafe table with a friend who's a naturalist. He jokes about the accuracy of an eagle's strike--"Why, she can snatch a sheep without troubling a hair on its friends' heads." Oh, I think they'd be troubled...

Mind what you joke about! You may make it real. A great winged shadow sweeps over the diner. Eagle wings... but the size of a small plane. And not an eagle body. A winged lion! Gryphon? Sphinx? Neither. A god! Aslan--the God of Narnia--but with eagle wings.

He stoops--shrieks down at us, two hundred miles an hour, to snatch his natural prey from the table by us. Who was having a quiet dinner with a date.

His date is why Aslan attacked. His interracial date! She's a zebra, and he's a giraffe. Well, was. And we can't have that. A mortal sin. Says Aslan.

Weirdly, this giant flier able to lift a half-ton giraffe doesn't even ruffle the hair of the diners at other close-packed tables. Weirdly, my naturalist friend is so busy fuming at the violation of physics, he can't see this cafe pounce-and-chomp just enacted his own joke.

With all of us playing the sheep. Sheep who don't rise up against this gorgeous, contemptible god.

Winged lion pounces on giraffe in a cafe. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

LISTS AND LINKS: weird dream beings - gods - animal people - lions - gryphons - sphinxes - giraffes - equines - a 2nd dream of zebras - Zebra people on Venus: Parga Chasma - cafes & pubs - dating - bias & prejudice - violence - death - You Are Lunch - politics - book-inspired dreams - Christianity - C.S. Lewis & Narnia

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