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World Dream Bank:
Index of Names, H-L

by Chris Wayan 2001-2010

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Dream titles and places have their own indexes. Authors of dreams ARE here, among other names; for a list of dreamers only, see authors.

People, books, movies,
poems, songs, comics, etc.
Authors of books
and so on
I skipped bare mentions;
most hits will be significant.

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Hadas, Rachel, dream-poet Barber, Charles, dead friend returning Around Lake Erie and Across the Hudson
Hadas, Rachel, dream-poet Merrill, James, dream-poet James Merrill Remembered
Hadas, Rachel, dream-poet Hamlet, a play My Mother's Closet
Haight-Ashbury Literary Journal Rogoff, Alice, editor The Sphinx Approves
Haiku as a dream-medium Catshall, a dreamer Dare
Haiku on dreams Dreamku Roswila
Hal, Hosteen, shamanic dreamer Boulet, Susan Seddon, dream artist Eagle Woman
Hal, Hosteen, longterm predictive dreamer --- Plane over Oraibi
Haldeman, Joe, dreamer & SF writer The Tiger Garden Cigarettes
Halfdan the Black, King of Norway, a dreamnesiac Ragnhild, Queen of Norway, a dreamer Ragnhild's Tree and Halfdan's Curls
Hall, Mr., a dead preacher εmaxu.lag.Ilis, a psychic dreamer Mister Hall
Hall, Calvin, dream researcher UCSC study of dreams Sexual Dreams
Hall, Justin, dream cartoonist True Travel Tales, collection of comics A Final Goodbye
Hall, Lynn, writer Flyaway, a novel Lynn Hall's "Flyaway"
Halley, Edmund, astronomer Aubrey, John, biographer Saint Helena
Hambly, Barbara, writer Dragonsbane, novel Diurnal and Nocturnal Gods
Hamburg, Dan, politician --- The Electoral Dragon
Hamlet, play Shakespeare, William Filling the Ancestor's Shoes
Hamlet, play Shakespeare, William, playwright Foxboy
Hamlet, play Shakespeare, William, playwright Freeway to Detention
Hamlet, play Shakespeare, William, playwright My Mother's Closet
Hammett, Dashiell, writer The Dain Curse, novel Poisoned!
Hamm, Jon, actor Mad Men, film Rebellion
Hammett, Dashiell, writer The Dain Curse, novel Snow Stallion
Hammett, Dashiell, writer The Maltese Falcon, novel & film Sybil Sue Flannery
Hammett, Dashiell, writer The Maltese Falcon, novel & film Mahakala, Mozart, and the Black Bird
Hammett, Dashiell The Maltese Falcon, novel & film Shoot Me, I'm Lucid!
Hammond, William, pre-Freudian, now has his own page: Dr WIlliam Hammond
Hamster Princess, kids' novel Vernon, Ursula, writer/artist/cartoonist Dino for a Night
"Hand on the Mantel", variant dream title Greenwood, Frederick Her Hand on the Mantel
"The Hand that Takes", song Anderson, Laurie, composer The Hand that Wakes
Handel, George, composer Butler, Samuel, writer composer & dreamer A Handelian Concert
The Handmaid's Tale, book and film Atwood, Margaret, writer Rebellion
Hanes, Mike, dreamer --- Strange Girl Stalking Me In My Dreams
Hannah, Daryl, actor Splash, film Auspicious Tractor Hate
Harcourt, Elizabeth, dreamer Harcourt, Simon "Look in the Well!"
Hardy, Robin, writer & dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly Apocalypse in St. James's Park
Hare, Catherine, fiancée and chronicler Boyd, R.W., predictive dreamer R101 Airship Crash
HareTrinity, dreamer --- Eyelash Guy
Harness, Charles, writer The Ring of Ritornel, novel Doctor Ventril
Harper's, a magazine Yoder, Rachel, writer & dreamer You Lose Everything
Harriet, my sexually undecided friend --- Blame it on Rio
Harriet, my sexually undecided friend --- Aristotle's Wives
Harriet, my sexually undecided friend --- Rocky Love
Harriet, my sexually undecided friend --- Zelig Flies
Harry Potter books and films: see JK Rowling
"Haunted Humans", a ghost story Hoffmann, Nina Kiriki, writer Marjane
Hauser, Kaspar, a man from nowhere "Kaspar Hauser's Song" by Suzanne Vega Pokey
Have Space Suit--Will Travel: kid's sf novel Heinlein, Robert, writer Franchise
Have Space Suit--Will Travel: kid's sf novel Heinlein, Robert, writer Misfits on Mars
Hawking, Stephen, physicist --- His Racist Son
Hawking, Stephen, physicist A Brief History of Time, etc. Hawking Country
Hawn, Goldie, actor Protocol, movie Hunt of the Unicorn
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, writer and dreamer --- The World News
Healing Words and other books on medicine Dossey, Larry, writer Curses!
Healing Words, book Dossey, Larry, writer Faerie
Healy, Daniel, dreamer --- Treasure Under Stone, or, Oops
Hearing range Ultrasound & infrasound Fly & Ultrasound
Hearn, Lafcadio, writer --- Hearn's Beast
"Heart in my Stomach", variant title of a dream comic Steelclaw, Ratiries, wolf-girl cartoonist Freaky Dream, or, Heart in my Stomach
Heavy Metal, comics anthology magazine "Exit/In", a comic by W. N. McPheeters Safety Gets Me Hot
Hecuba, Queen of Troy Paris, Prince of Troy Torch-bearer
"Hedgehog Song" Incredible String Band Hedgehog and Rabbit
Heenan, Cardinal, a suspicious church official Greene, Graham, dreamer Archbishop
Hefner, Hugh, publisher Playboy magazine The Kerouac Tree
Hefner, Hugh, publisher Playboy magazine A Peel for Approval
Hefner, Hugh, publisher Playboy magazine Rich Bitch
Hefner, Hugh, publisher Playboy magazine Financial Porn
Hefner, Hugh, publisher Playboy magazine A Family Visit
Heidegger, Martin, philosopher Lively, Adam, a philosophy major (and dreamer) Heidegger's Visit
Heidegger, Martin, philosopher Jo, a dreamer The Heideggarian Barbarian
Heinlein, Robert, writer Glory Road, novel Aida's Toilet Boat
Heinlein, Robert, writer The Puppet Masters, novel Blue Crystals
Heinlein, Robert, writer The Puppet Masters, novel Hepburning
Heinlein, Robert, writer Address to Air Force grads Mayan Force
Heinlein, Robert, writer Gulf, novella You Can't Fool the Fat Man
Heinlein, Robert, writer "And He Built a Crooked House", story Cupola
Heinlein, Robert, writer "Elsewhen", story Fire in the Crucible
Heinlein, Robert, writer Red Planet, Star Beast and Have Spacesuit: novels Misfits on Mars
Heinlein, Robert, writer Have Space Suit--Will Travel: kid's sf novel Franchise
Heinlein, Robert, writer Double Star, novel Muir on Mars
Heisenberg, physicist The uncertainty principle and observer effects
now have their own page:
Quantum Dreams
Helen, a Texas telepath Louisa E. Rhine, psychic researcher Jim's Powder
Helen's fiancé, a psychic dreamer Louisa E. Rhine, psychic researcher Bread Chess
Helga the Fair, unhappy Icelander Thorstein Egilson, long-term psychic dreamer Eagles in Love with a Swan
Hemera, a hen who lays golden eggs--or is she an eagle? Lowell, James Russell Gold Egg
Henderson, Victor, dream artist Dreamworks Quarterly I Do, We Do
Heninger, Barbara, dream poet Word World, poetry collection Corridor
Hepburn, Audrey, actor Breakfast at Tiffany's, film The Starmont Triathlon
Hepburn, Katherine, actor The Rainmaker, film Hepburning
Herbert W, an E.S.P. enthusiast Mr. D, a psychokinetic skeptic A SHARP CLICK
Herbert, Frank, writer The Dosadi Experiment, novel The Sink John
Hercules, a hero promoted to demigod Sophocles, poet, playwright... detective? Goblet of Gold
Herdis Bollisurdottir, dreamer Gudrun Osvifursdottir Don't Tread on Me
Here Abide Monsters, novel Norton, Andre, writer Aelfwine
Hernandez, Gilbert, cartoonist Speak of the Devil, grim comic Demon Budgeting
Hernandez, Jaime and Gil Love and Rockets, comics Bonk Veronica
Herodotus, Greek historian Xerxes I, king of Persia Invade Greece, Or Else!
Heron, Mike, of The Incredible String Band "The Hedgehog Song" Hedgehog and Rabbit
Herrick, Robert, dreamer and poet Anacreon, poet The Vision
Herriman, George, cartoonist Krazy Kat, surrealist comic strip Cheetah
Herriman, George, cartoonist Krazy Kat, surreal comic strip Stretch, or, Cheetah in the Library
Herrnstein, Richard, and Murray, Charles, writers The Bell Curve, book on IQ segregation The Bell Curve
Hewitt, Jennifer Love, actor on... Boy Meets World, TV show Exploration Game
Hexx-Kitty of VCL, dream artist --- LEARN TO FLY
Higashida, Naoki, writer Fall Down 7 Times Get Up 8, book Puppy
High Sierra: A Love Story, book Robinson, Kim Stanley, writer Thoreau's Mountain
The Highly Sensitive Person, book Aron, Elaine, writer The Running of the Pigs
The Highly Sensitive Person, book Aron, Elaine, writer Safety Gets Me Hot
Hildegard von Bingen, nun, composer, nurse --- Five Heart Unicorn
Hildebrandt, Gregory, painter & dreamer Black Sabbath, band Crucifers
Hilderbrand, Elin, writer Golden Girl, novel Pie Hole
Hillerman, Tony, writer Leaphorn, Joe, detective The Ice Cream Kiss
Hillman, James, writer --- Hillman on Daimons
Hillman, James, writer The Dream and the Underworld, book Groundhog Day
Hilprecht, Herman, archeologist & dreamer Kurigalzu, a Mesopotamian king (c.1300 BCE) Mesopotamian Rings
Hinchman, Hannah, watercolorist & diarist Little Things in a Big Country, artist's notebook Critters of the Montana Front
Hiroshige, artist "53 Stations of the Tokaido", woodblock print set Tokaido
Hirshfield, Jane, poet After (poetry book, 2006) Translucence: An Assay
His Toy, His Dream, His Rest, poetry book Berryman, John, poet Freud Was Some Wrong About Dreams
Hitchcock, Alfred, filmmaker Strangers on a Train, The Birds, The Lady Vanishes Hitchcock Bird
Hitchcock, Alfred, filmmaker Rear Window, film Wolves Evolve
Hitchcock, Robyn, composer "Raymond Chandler Evening", song Pier's End
Hitler, Adolf, genocidal leader Hitler now has his own page: Hitler and Fascism
Hobb, Robin, pen name of a writer McKillip, Patricia, writer McKillip's New Book
Hobbits now have their own page: hobbits
Hoffman, Dustin, actor Chef, film Gandhi or War!
Hoffmann, Nina Kiriki, writer ghost stories "The Skeleton Key" & "Haunted Humans" Marjane
Hoffmann, Nina Kiriki, writer Spirits that Walk in Shadow, novel Rabbit-Eared Doe
Hoffmann, Nina Kiriki, writer The Red Heart Of Memories, novel Self-Possessed
Hofgard, Katie, dream artist AKA "Wolf Nymph", her dream-self KATIE has her own page
Hofstadter, Douglas, writer Gödel, Escher, Bach, book I Slept 950 Years
Hogarth, William, painter Theodore Weiss, dreamer Caliban
Hogue, Cressy and Aboukir, three ships Martin, E.M., writer and dreamer Death Chanty
Hokusai, Katsushika, artist "Kirifuri Falls", woodblock print The Moontide's Full
Hokusai, Katsushika, artist --- Floating
Hokusai, Katsushika, artist --- Footprint
Hokusai, Katsushika, artist "Miss Hokusai", anime feature Furmaki
Hokusai, Katsushika, artist "The Great Wave off Kanagawa", print The Great Wave, or,
Change is the Last Stability
Hokusai, Katsushika, artist 'Masks', a page from Mangwa--- The Head Factory
Hokusai, Katsushika, artist --- Two Drunks
Holiday, classic film --- Kick the President
Holland, Cecelia, historian and novelist Floating Worlds, novel Flirting with Napoleon
Holland, Cecelia, historian and novelist Pacific Street, novel Creature Becomes Creator
Hollander, John, dream-poet --- The Dream
Hollander, John, dream-poet --- The Train
Hollander, John, dream-poet Dreamworks Quarterly The Trumpeter
Hollingworth, Leta, IQ researcher Children Above 180 IQ, book The Outsiders
Hollingworth, Leta, IQ researcher Children Above 180 IQ, book Prodigies' Oddities
The Holographic Universe, book on the observer principle Talbot, Michael, writer The Incidence of Buddhas
the Holy Ghost, a dream figure Kilvert, Francis, nightmare sufferer Done For
Holzner, Dan, editor --- Dream Scene Magazine
Homer, poet Odysseus, a cunning guy Cyclops
Homer, poet Disney, Walt, animator The Doggysey
Homer, poet Penelope, Queen of Ithaka, dreamer Eagle and Geese
Homer, poet Odysseus, a shit-disturber A Hotel Odyssey
Homer, poet Hecuba, Queen of Troy Torch-bearer
Hon, Hasteen, psychic dreamer --- INDIAN SCHOOL
Hon, Hasteen, psychic dreamer --- LIGHTNING
Hon, Hasteen, psychic dreamer His grandmother, also a psychic dreamer Ute Raid
"Honest Women with Waterjugs" a dream within Shamanic Chew-Toy
Hong Kong vs Beijing Chinese language Ai Zhong!
Hong Kong vs Beijing --- A Colony in the Hollow Hills
an Honorable Lady, a dreamer wishing to remain anonymous Greenwood, Frederick, dream researcher Skylight
Hood, Thomas, writer (and failed playwright) Milton, John, poet Drama is Hell!
Hood, Thomas, writer (and failed playwright) Hood, Honoria, his wife Bognor Marriage
Hook, film Peter Pan, book; Roberts, Julia, actor Oriole Girls
Hook, a megalomanic pirate captain Madeline, a dreamer Thar She Blows!
Hostina, Nashoba, dream artist --- Trinity
"Hopper", pen name of a dreamer --- Why are We Afraid to Die?
Horn, Roy, stage magician Monica M; a predictive dreamer Tiger Podium
A Horse & his Boy, kids' fantasy Lewis, C.S., writer Aslan's Swoop
The Horse Trophy, a dream-sculpture Storm, Mardi, dream-sculptor Falada
The Horse's Mouth, novel & film Cary, Joyce, witer Stabbed Alive
Hosoda, Mamoru, director The Boy and the Beast, anime Father-in-Law the Whip
Hot Stuff, animation --- Animation Today--No Pearls, Lotsa Swine
Hound of the Baskervilles, Sherlock Holmes mystery Doyle, Arthur Conan, writer Like Notre Dame
House of Angels, film Bergstrom, Helena, actor On Her Fourth Body
Houseman, John, actor --- Blue Soup, No Spark
"Houston, Houston, Do you Read?", story Tiptree, James (Alice Sheldon), writer Houston
"Houston, Houston, Do you Read?", story Tiptree, James (Alice Sheldon), writer Houston
Houston, James D., author & teacher a mob of slugs Slug Ethics
Houston, James D., author & teacher Linsombres, Jasha, dream being Krelkin
Houston, James D., author & teacher --- Cider and Wine
How to Be Single, novel Tuccillo, Liz, writer The Button in Love
Howard, Elizabeth Jane Odd Girl Out, novel Bike Odyssey
Howdy Doody, ventriloquist's dummy on 1950s TV O'Neill, Dan, cartoonist Owl Tavern
Howe, Elias, inventor Sewing machine Sewing Advice from Cannibals
Hoyle, Fred, astronomer --- Ufolution
Hubbard, John, dreamer Authentic Dreams of Peter Blobbs, dream journal The Man atthe End of the Passage
Huckleberry Finn, novel Twain, Mark, writer Huck Finn's Wish
Huckleberry Finn, novel Twain, Mark, writer A Conversation with Anorexia
Huckleberry Finn, novel Twain, Mark, writer The Royal Nonesuch
Huckleberry Finn, novel Twain, Mark, writer Tarot: The Guilt Trip
Huckleberry Finn, novel (and... berry?) Twain, Mark, writer Cursing Isabella
Hudson, Liam, dream theorist Night Life, book on dreams Lamia
Hudson, William Henry, dreamer Meiburg, Jonathan, science writer Ironfall
Hugh, Wayan's crazy uncle now has his own page: what they did to Uncle Hugh
Hughes, Dana, dreamer Reklaw, Jesse, illustrator Stage Failure
Hughes, Robert, social critic Culture of Complaint, a grumpy book The Shaman Inspector
Hughes, Ted, dreamer (and future poet) Alvarez, Al, his friend Thought-Fox
Hulk, the Incredible, a cartoon character Frances Farmer, actress Ember in the Brain
Hunt, Harry, writer on dreams The Multiplicity of Dreams, book Unresolved, or just... Different?
Hunt, Marianne, Romantic dreamer Shelley, Percy, Romantic poet Marianne's Dream
Hunt, William Holman, painter & predictive dreamer Rossetti, William, diarist "Death! Death!"
Hunted, novel Brown, N. M., writer Micmac Towers
Hurd, Clement, kids' book illustrator Brown, Margaret Wise, dreamer Goodnight Moon
Hurley, Maebh, dreamer Ryan, Paul, politician Paul Ryan
Hussein, Saddam, strongman Rossetti, Christina, dream-poet Crocodile King
Hussein, Saddam, politician Bush, George (the elder), politician A Knife at his Throat
Huxley, Aldous, writer on psychedelia The Doors of Perception, book Pinky Cleans the Windows of Perception
Huysman's Pets, novel Kate Wilhelm, writer Ai Zhong
Hyal, a dreamer Bastets (lion-people) Trespassers in Malanchai
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I Was A Teenage Fairy, novel Block, Francesca Lia Elven Dancer
I was Reincarnated as the Villainess..., manga Sou, Inaida, manga writer The Cloud Over Her
the IASD (International Association for the Study of Dreams) now has its own page
Ibex, a protected species Doe, Jane, dreamer (pseud.) Don't Shoot the Ibex
Ibn Battuta, travel writer --- The Unclean Hand
Ibuse, writer Black Rain, book How to Survive Nuclear War
Ice Storm, film Nixon, Richard, politician Nixon Nose
the Id, Freud's notion of the unconscious Forbidden Planet, Freudian sci-fi film Id Flowers
Ifasi, Debbie, dreamer Somnial Times, 90s zine Green Shoes
"Ignore Hairloss, Beware Limbloss!" a dream within Shamanic Chew-Toy
Igort, cartoonist/mangaka Yamane, Midori, dreamer Midori's Dream
The Iliad, epic poem Hecuba, Queen of Troy Torch-bearer
an Illinois woman Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Pianos in the Sky
Imperial Lady, novel Norton, Andre, writer Lola
Improvised Shakespeare Players, troupe Shakespeare, William, playwright Bird-Sense
Improvised Shakespeare Players, troupe Shakespeare, William, playwright The Cuteness Pageant
In His Own Write, stories & poems Lennon, John, composer & writer I Dream of Deriverrans
"In His Spaceship", a dreamlet Doe, Jane, dreamer Don't Shoot the Ibex
In the Footsteps of Crazy Horse, kids' historical novel Marshall, Joseph, III, writer Crazy Horse's dream
In the Realm of the Gods, novel Pierce, Tamora, writer Drill to Flow
the Incredible Hulk, a cartoon character Frances Farmer, actress Ember in the Brain
Incredible String Band "Circus Girl", song Circus Girl
The Incredible String Band Robin Williamson, songwriter Confused?
The Incredible String Band "The Hedgehog Song" by Mike Heron Hedgehog and Rabbit
The Incredible String Band "A Very Cellular Song" The Musical Amoeba
The Incredible String Band "Witch's Hat", song by Robin Williamson His Mine
The Incredible String Band Robin Williamson You're the Eagle
an Indiana family, possibly haunted Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Clocks Stop, Clocks Start
Inferno, epic poem Dante, Alighieri, poet The Lake Demon
Infrasound & infrasonics Ultrasound & ultrasonics Fly & Ultrasound
The Inland Whale book California Indian tales; Theodora Kroeber, ed. Loon Ladder
The Inland Whale, book California Indian tales; Theodora Kroeber, ed. The Martian Feud
Inman, Henry, painter Theodore Weiss, dreamer Caliban
Inner Wheel, novel Roberts, Keith, writer The Fairy Wife
Innkeeper's Song, novel Beagle, Peter S., writer Beagle's Song
the Inquisition Bruno, Giordano, martyred dreamer Bruno's Dream
the Inquisition Nelson, Stephanie Van Zandt, dream researcher Bestiality
Inside Job, film on the cause of the 2008 crash and recession An Alicorn Blade Through the Heart
Interiors, print series Milton, Peter, printmaker Foxy Ancestor
International Association for the Study of Dreams or IASD now has its own page
The Interpretation of Dreams, book Freud, Sigmund, psychologist Ring of White Water
The Interpretation of Dreams and Portents in Antiquity Lewis, Naphtali, historian Temple of Dreamwork
Inuit people Baffin Island Arctic Unicorn
Inuit language Greenlandic Cat Speaks Armenian
Inuit, though called Eskimos ... and really Yorkshiremen Hatchet Job
Inuit prints --- Inuit hunt
"Inuit meditation" (a cheesy course at a white college) Inuit Meditation
Inuit captain & navigator --- A Prisoner of Zen
Inuit starship crew because we Inuit fly all starships Salia and Chur
Inuit prints --- Two Inuit were Talking
Invasion of the Body Snatchers, film Matheson, Richard, writer Freeze!
Invasion of the Body Snatchers, film Matheson, Richard, writer Hepburning
Invasion of the Body Snatchers, film Matheson, Richard, writer Pod War
Invasion of the Body Snatchers, film Matheson, Richard, writer Sporecount
Invasion of the Body Snatchers, film Matheson, Richard, writer Their Dream House
Invisible Acts of Power, book Myss, Carolyn, mystic and writer Four Perceptual Screens
Io, a polychrome moon-sculpture --- Io
Io, a moon with a rotary heart --- In Io
Io, a runaway moon Europa, Ganymede, Callisto... Runaway Moons
Iowa Divorcee, an abrupt oracle Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher He Remarried
Iowa Grandmother, a long-term predictive dreamer Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher A White-Faced Mare, 29 Years Later
Iron John, book on men Bly, Robert, writer Shrunken Men
Iron John, book on men Bly, Robert, writer Wingless
Irwin, Robert, dreamer The Tiger Garden, dream anthology Blind
Ishi, Yahi Indian Ishi's a nickname, meaning simply "man" Ishi and Snoid
Island of Dr. Moreau, novel Wells, HG, science fiction pioneer Chidi and Pony Mistress
Isis: Egyptian goddess and/or dream cat? Isis Helps Teri Garr
Isis, a scaly version McCoy, Ann, dream artist Kore
Ithmonike of Pellene ancient Greek dreamer Three-year Pregnancy
It's OK if You Don't Love Me, novel Klein, Norma, writer Rescue Fever
It's a Wonderful Life, film Frank Capra and James Stewart Titania
Iturbide, Graciela, photographer ...and recurrent dreamer Burning House
Iturbide, Graciela, photographer ...and recurrent dreamer Señor de los Pájaros
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J.H. Esquire Aubrey, John, writer Both Mourn, Both Die
J.P., an Ottawa dreamer Muskrat, a pugilistic spirit Muskrat, Otter, Mink
Jabusch, Garvin, dreamer Reklaw, Jesse, illustrator Werewolf Paradox
Jack's Mom, a telepathic dreamer Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Jack in the Ditch
Jackson, Jesse, presidential candidate Pan, goat-footed Greek fertility god Azorean Pan
Jacobs, Elyse, dream-workshop leader Jessica and James, young dream artists Jessica the Mermaid
Jacobs, Elyse, dream-workshop leader Kamar, a young dream artist Kamar's Dragon
Jacobs, Elyse, dream-workshop leader Mika, a young dream artist Mika's Dream Horse
Jade, my Buddhist landlady, Jamie's mom But in my dream Jade's a cynical seductive artist Bitter Jade
Jade, my Buddhist landlady Here Jade's an accident waiting to happen Haunted but Happy
Jade, my Buddhist landlady, Jamie's mom psychodrama seems to have softened Jade Sushi Circus
Jade, my Buddhist landlady, Jamie's mom I dreamed of Jade as a Tarot card Queen of Flutes
Jade, Moonlit, web name for a dreamer --- I Dreant I was Someone Else
Jade, my Buddhist landlady, Jamie's mom In this dream Jade's a fierce pirate queen A Valley Near Hope
Jaegerstetter, Franz, dreamer Ellsberg, Daniel, peace activist Hell-Bound Train
"Jaguar Mask", a short shamanic dream appended to: Martian Airlock
JahaRa2010, a flying & out-of-body dreamer --- Flying to Safety
Jamie, a dancer Jamie now has her own page Jamie
James, Henry, writer and dreamer --- Turnabout
James, PD, mystery writer An Unsuitable Job for a Woman, TV mystery Body-Switch
James, Peter, a dream enthusiast Georgina, his wife, a psychic dreamer Eight Injections, Then Voltage
Jandro, Afton, transcendent dreamer Dreamworks A Dream Within a Dream
Jane, a dreamer, patient of... Faraday, Ann, therapist Piano-Playing Jane
Jane, Crazy, semi-fictional narrator Yeats, W.B., dream-poet; Crazy Jane Grown Old Looks at the Dancers
Jane In Vain, San Francisco artist --- Jane in Vain
Jansson, Tove, writer & artist now has her own page: Tove Jansson
Jasha Linsombres, dream being Houston, James D., author & teacher Krelkin
Jasha Linsombres, a krelkin Self, Dave, cartoonist Jasha
Jeffers, Robinson, poet --- Robinson Jeffers as a Shaman
Jeffers, Robinson, poet "Roan Stallion", narrative poem Tigerborn
Jefferson, Thomas, politician --- Sunlight's the Cure
Jeffrey, Peter, Shakespearean actor Flora, Michael, dreamer Google Dreams
Jekyll and Hyde, dream-characters Stevenson, Robert Louis, writer and dreamer Stevenson's Brownies
"Jerome", dream-figure Vaughan, Alan, psychic dreamer Vonnegut
Jerry, Wayan's father, now has his own page: Jerry
Jessica, a dream-workshop participant Dreamworks Jessica the Mermaid
Jestinana, the first dream interpreter Dumuzid the Shepherd, Mesopotamian dreamer Dumuzid's Despair
Jesus, a religious teacher now has his own page: JESUS
The Jetsons, animation The Flintstones, animation George and Wilma
Jill, a pregnant dreamer Stanley Krippner, dream researcher Jill's Contrasting Dreams
Jillette, Penn, stage magician Wallace, John, dreamer Take up the Penn
Jinks, Catherine, writer Evil Genius, kids' book Poirot and the Dickheads
The jive step, a dance Roswila, dream poet Dancing Backward
Jo, old name of an epic dreamer now named Selena; Selena has her own page
Joan of Arcadia, TV show --- Very Funny, Mr. Mosley
Joanne, dreamer Dreamworks: an Interdisciplinary Quarterly Nuclear Nightmares
Joe Blow, underground comic Crumb, Robert, cartoonist Encanto
Joe Bob, pseudonymous movie reviewer reporting on the 1984 GOP convention Dallas Gmork
Johannes, Electra, a dreamer Patagia, a dreamer Fake it!
"John," a dreamer Delaney, Gayle, writer Flames
"John," an out-of-body dreamer Delaney, Gayle, writer Muscles
"John Doe", a dream guy who turns out to be real Dreaming with the Wheel, book Suvy and John Doe
Johns, Jasper, painter and dreamer --- American Flag
Johnson, Loomis C., lawyer and dreamer --- A Hand at Cards
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, politician & nightmare sufferer LBJ's Stampede
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, politician & nightmare sufferer LBJ's Cage
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, politician & nightmare sufferer LBJ Shackled
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, politician & nightmare sufferer LBJ or Woodrow?
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, politician & nightmare sufferer LBJ's River Nightmare
Johnson, Robert A., writer, therapist Anonymous #7, dreamer Monastery
Johnson, Sarita, dream writer & artist Dreamworks Quarterly Sarita's Dream
Jolas, Eugene, dreamer Joyce, James, word-coiner The Grala
Jones, Diana Wynne, writer (and inadvertent witch) now has her own page: Diana Wynne Jones
Jones, Eryl Mai, a child dreamer Jones, Victor, rescuer Aberfan
Jones, Stephen, a child dreamer The Tiger Garden, dream anthology Horned Man
Jones, Victor, policeman and rescuer Maybank, Susan, disaster victim Aberfan
Jong, Erica, writer Crazy Cock, novel by Henry Miller The Ancient Book
Jony, a dreamer Eileen & Kim, his wife & daughter Taken Over
"Jorkens" tales Dunsany, Lord, writer and poet The Sole-Fisher of the 8th Node
Josephine, dreamer Benicio, Angelique, dream artist Joséphine's Dream
Josephus Flavius, historian and warrior Vespasian, Roman general (later Emperor) Josephus, Let Go
Joslyn, John, attorney and dreamer Gleason, Adele, doctor and dreamer Flaming Leaves
The Journal of Albion Moonlight: a novel in shape-poems Patchen, Kenneth, poet The Vacuum Cleaner Quartet
Journey of Souls, book Newton, Michael, writer and therapist The Past-Life Midden
Journey to the West, or, Monkey, or
Diary of the Western Regions, or Xi You Ji.
Monkey, an adept Prrl
Journey to the West, or, Monkey, or
Diary of the Western Regions, or Xi You Ji.
Monkey, a reckless adept Learning Scales
Journey to the West, or, Monkey, or
Diary of the Western Regions, or Xi You Ji.
Monkey, an adept Were-Composer
Jove, a god see also Zeus and Jupiter Jove's Limbo
Joy, Emily, a shamanic dreamer Emily now has her own page Emily Joy
Joyce, James, punster Finnegan's Wake, novel I Dream of Deriverrans
Joyce, James, predictive dreamer Jolas, Eugene, writer Minos, Eaque and Rhadamanthe
"The JPEG series", comics, subset of Dreamtales, dream-comics Dreamtales
Juan, don, a shaman --- see Castaneda, Carlos
"Julian", epic dreamer "Exobeetle", "Xenohazard", "the Duke who Never Existed" New Level!
Jung, Carl, a dream pioneer now has his own page: Carl Jung (see also Jungian dreams)
Jung Chang, biographer Mao Zidong, dictator The Real Mao
The Jungle Books, two collections of stories Kipling, Rudyard, writer; Bagheera, character Bagheera Suggests Lovage
The Just City, a utopian novel Walton, Jo, a writer Rain of Platonic Ideals
Justice, Donald, poet The Summer Anniversaries (1960) collection A Dream Sestina
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Kafka, Franz, writer "The Metamorphosis", story The Corpse-Bug
Kafka, Franz, writer "The Metamorphosis", story Face-Beetle
Kafka, Franz, writer "The Metamorphosis", story Sword in my Back
Kahlo, Frida, painter Kahlo, Cristina, battered wife Frida's Prison Paintings
The Kalevala, Finnish epic poem Elias Lönnrot, translator Tiamat's Rebellion
Kama, goddess of love Garfield, Patricia, dreamworker Dreamstones
Kamar, a young dream artist Dreamworks Kamar's Dragon
Kannon, the compassionate Moon Goddess also called Kwannon see Guanyin
a Kansas grandmother, dying Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Franklin's Neck
Kant, Immanuel, philosopher Swedenborg, Emanuel, visionary Swedenborg's Visions
"Kaspar Hauser's Song" Vega, Suzanne, composer Pokey
Kawin, Bruce, dream-poet Dreamworks Quarterly Geometry of Dawn
Kazantzakis, Nikos, writer --- Is God God?
Keable, Robert, bewildered missionary Anonymous #62, oracular dreamer who rode six days Sovereign
Kean, Katherine, dream painter International Society for the Study of Dreams Red Horse
Kearney, Michael, child prodigy --- Prodigy Support
Keaton, Jay, species designer Rowan, Elia, interplanetary dreamer Kinship in Winter
Keats, John, poet and dreamer --- La Belle Dame Sans Merci
Keats, John, poet and dreamer Dante Alighieri, poet Hell is Heaven!
Keats, John, poet and dreamer --- Ode to Psyche
Kejzfox, fan artist into My Little Pony The Great and Powerful Trixie, a blue unicorn Witchmare Seduces Twilight
Kekulé, Friedrich, chemist and dreamer --- Kekule
Kellogg, E.W., a lucid dreamer Krippner, Stanley, dream researcher Tonsil
Kelly, Grace, actor Rear Window, film Wolves Evolve
Kelly, Patricia ("Roswila"), dream-poet Roswila now has her own page ROSWILA
Kelly, Walt, cartoonist Pogo, comic strip Floating Horses
Kelvin, Lord (William Thompson), physicist Arnold-Forster, Mary, dreamer, writer Antigravity Research
Ken, dreamer, friend of... Wolff, Rita, dream-painter Ken's Dream
Kennedy, John F. --- Ask Not
Kennedy, John F --- A Conversation with Anorexia
Kennedy, Lee, dream-cartoonist Dream Bytes, minicomic Cats & Dog: Recurring Dream
Kennedy, Lee, dream-cartoonist Dream Bytes, minicomic My Soul
Dr. Kent, a crazed assassin Archer, William, dreamer The Green Goddess
Kent, Duke of, air crash victim Anonymous #21, closet psychic Headlines
Kent, Jack, cartoonist King Aroo, comic strip, graphic novel Aroo's Engineers
a Kentucky woman Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Betty Stops By
Kerouac, Jack, writer Book of Dreams, dreamjournal Kerouac now has his own page
Kerouac, Jack, writer in another's dream: Hot to Trot, or,
Sad-Eyed Swan of Love
Kerouac, Jack, writer in another's dream: The Kerouac Tree
Kescia, a sexy dreamer Krippner, Stanley, dream researcher Kescia's Nested Dreams
Ketchum, Hank, cartoonist Dennis the Menace, a newspaper comic The Tao of Dennis the Menace
Kethley, Fiona Pitt-, transformational dreamer The Tiger Garden; anthology of dreams Phoenix
Kevlar body armor The Committee of Sleep; dream anthology Kevlar
Kew, Elizabeth, surreal dreamer --- Ingenious Advertisements
Kew, Elizabeth, surreal dreamer --- The Nameless Hat
Kidman, Nicole, actress Practical Magic, film Dome
Kilvert, Francis, nightmare sufferer Mr Venable and the Holy Ghost, dream figures Done For
Kim, child dreamer Eileen & Jony, her parents Taken Over
"Kindertotenlieder", song-cycle by Mahler Sacks, Oliver, writer on the brain Kindertotenlieder
Kindl, Patrice, writer Owl in Love, kids' novel Boil the Cord
King Aroo, graphic novel from comic strip Kent, Jack, cartoonist Aroo's Engineers
King Crimson, band "Moonchild", song Titan's Wedding Band
King-Hall, Stephen, naval officer Priestley, JB, writer Man Overboard
King, Kevin, poet & dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly Typewriter
King Kong, a tragic lover --- Pylons
King, Larissa, dreamer Reklaw, Jesse, illustrator Laurie Anderson Shenanigans
King, Martin Luther, Jr, activist --- A Conversation with Anorexia
the King of Italy and a quagga Archer, William, dreamer Che Fanno gli Inglesi?
King, Stephen, horror writer Barrett, Deirdre, dream researcher Film, Dreams & Lucidity
King, Stephen, child dreamer and horror writer Epel, Naomi, dream anthologist Gallows
Kingsford, Anna, dream-writer Kingsford now has her own page ANNA KINGSFORD
Kipling, Rudyard, writer The Jungle Books, linked stories Bagheera Suggests Lovage
Kipling, Rudyard, writer "Brushwood Boy", story on shared dreaming see BIBLIOGRAPHY
Kipling, Rudyard, writer The Jungle Books, linked stories Wolves Evolve
Kirkland, Gelsey, ballerina --- Sex Workshop
Kirsten, absent-minded dreamer Delaney, Gayle, dream writer Forgotten Job
Kjartan Arnorsson, dream-cartoonist A Flock of Dreamers, dream-comix anthology Dream?
Klages, Ellen, writer Passing Strange, novel Bagging Peter Beagle
Klages, Ellen, writer Passing Strange, novel Dino for a Night
Klages, Ellen, writer Passing Strange, novel Nic's Thousand Paintings
Klein, Norma, writer It's OK if You Don't Love Me, novel Rescue Fever
Klein, Norma, writer The World As It Is, novel Theraphobia
Klimt, Gustave, artist --- Klimt's Girl Friends
Knabel, Jeff, dream-song composer --- Black Winter
"Knives", story in Armless Maiden Sickafoose, Munro, writer The Abuse Panelists
Knoke, Carmen, dreamer Reklaw, Jesse, illustrator Giftshop of the Damned
Koa, a dog Merwin, W.S., dream poet Dream of Koa Returning
Kobayashi, Kina, manga artist Nameless Asterism, a manga Silky's Massage
Kohlman, Lynn, model Gotfryd, Alex, dream photographer Appointment in Venice
Kojak, TV show Savalas, Telly, actor Freddy Krueger's Politics
Koko, a signing gorilla --- Koko's Losses
Kolchec, a laughing dream-guide Welponer, Sara, and Davison, Al, dream-artists Kolchec
Kombu Oorzhak, storyteller Ösküs-ool, dreamer Igil
Kominsky-Crumb, Aline, cartoonist Crumb, movie Crumb
Kopenawa, Davi, Yanomami shaman, now has his own page: Davi Kopenawa
Korin, visionary artist --- Isle of the Blessed
Krafft-Ebing fantasies Anonymous #37, a nightmare sufferer Stop Resisting
Krazy Kat, surreal comic strip Herriman, George, cartoonist Cheetah
Krazy Kat, surreal comic strip Herriman, George, cartoonist Stretch, or, Cheetah in the Library
Kress, Nancy, writer Beggars in Spain, novel Beggars in Spain
Kress, Nancy, writer Beggars in Spain, novel The Bell Curve
Kress, Nancy, writer Beggars in Spain, novel Marbles
Krippner, Stanley, dream researcher, now has his own page: Stanley Krippner
Krista G., dreamer --- Who is Outside my Window?
Kroeber, Theodora, ed. The Inland Whale: California Indian tales Loon Ladder
Kroeber, Theodora, ed. The Inland Whale: California Indian tales The Martian Feud
Krueger, Freddy, character Nightmare on Elm Street, horror film series Freddy Krueger's Politics
Krytha, a dream character --- Pregnant with Krytha
Kubla Khan, Mongol emperor of China Coleridge, Samuel, poet Kubla Khan
Kublai Khan, dreamer and palace-builder --- Kublai Khan's Dream
Kukla, Fran & Ollie, a 1950s TV puppet show O'Neill, Dan, dream cartoonist Owl Tavern
Ku'lad, a shamanic dreamer Togumalis, a shamanic dreamer Flu Prescription
Kumar, a Himalayan martial arts teacher Parvati, a pacifist martial arts student Parvati Saws the Wall
Kumin, Maxine, a dream-poet Kumin now has her own page MAXINE KUMIN
Kundalini, an esoteric meditation technique see also Chakras Dinosaur Treasure
Kuri Metalheart, a recurring dream character Joy, Emily, dreamer--- Prisons and Stripes
Kurigalzu, a Mesopotamian king (c.1300 BCE) Hilprecht, Herman, archeologist & dreamer Mesopotamian Rings
Kurland, Justine, photographer "Another Girl, Another Planet"; photo series Bernal Islet, 2250
Kurzweil, Ray, writer Danielle, sort-of-novel, sort-of-how-to book Nip Off His Nose
Kwannon, the compassionate Moon Goddess also called Kannon see Guanyin
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La Sirene, Haitian sea-goddess Phillips-Tailed Mermaid, dream painting The Mermaid Tow
LaBerge, Stephen, dream researcher, writer see also Bibliography and offsite links page Aelfwine
LaBerge, Stephen, dream researcher, writer Lucid Dreaming, book Flaming Leaves
LaBerge, Stephen, dream researcher, writer Lucid Dreaming, book Quadruple Wedding
The Lady Vanishes film Hitchcock, Alfred, filmmaker Hitchcock Bird
LAFWAM, a useful acronym Looming Archetypal Figure With Authoritative Message The Tao of Dennis the Menace
Laing, R.D., psychologist --- Laing
Laissez-moi Rever!, dream painting Girondé, Marie Claude, painter Let me Dream!
Lakshmi, Hindu goddess Ramanujan, Srinavasa, math genius & dreamer Ramanujan
Lalande, Jerome, astronomer and writer Tartini, Giuseppe, composer, violinist and dreamer The Devil's Trill
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste, scientist see also evolution Giraffetaur Grove
The Land of Heart's Desire, play Yeats, W.B., dream-poet and playwright The Smiling Shaw Machine
Landaiche, Judy Somnial Times, zine Aliens, Monsters, Witch
Landaiche, Judy Somnial Times, zine Hindu God
Lang, Andrew, writer Dreams and Ghosts Mary's Jewels
Lang, Andrew, writer Dreams and Ghosts A Gang of Ghosts
Lange, Jessica, actor Frances, film Ember in the Brain
Language of the Birds, book Medatia, a shaman The Deer Party
Lapis Lazuli, poem Yeats, William, poet Picardian Angels
Laputa, a flying island Swift, Jonathan, a fantasy writer Laputans Lecture Brobdingnag
Larbestier, Justine, and Black, Holly: editors Zombies Versus Unicorns, fantasy anthology An Alicorn Blade Through the Heart
Larsen, Wolf, a fictional social Darwinist The Sea Wolf, novel The Sea-Wolf's Brain
Larson, Gary, cartoonist Cow Tools (cartoon) Cow Puns
Last Night, poem Machado, Antonio, poet Anoche / Last Night
The Last Supper, mural Leonardo Da Vinci, painter Christa's Fur
The Last Supper, mural Leonardo Da Vinci, painter Tower of the Martian Dead
The Last Unicorn, novel see Peter S. Beagle
Last Year at Marienbad, film Desowitz, William, dreamer A Film-Oriented Dream
Latham, Dustin, dreamer --- Falling into a Tesseract...
Lathe of Heaven, novel Le Guin, Ursula, writer Aelfwine
Lauper, Cyndi, singer --- Is God God?
Lauren, a crazy friend D'Jeanna, dreamer
Laurel, a dreamer Frank, a dreamer Gardenias
Lavalette, Antoine, dreamer Napoleon Bonaparte Flayed Column
Lawrence, C.E., astronomy buff and dreamer Megroz, R.L., writer on dreams What Will the Newspapers Say?
Lawrence, Laura, therapist and psychic dreamer Barasch, Marc Ian, writer on dreams Fleeing Kampuchea
Layanasha (c.1750-c.1850), shaman of the Maasai Stoneham, C.T., colonial writer on Kenya Layanasha's Dream
Leah, guitar-selling daughter of... Barasch, Marc Ian, dream writer Two Guitars
Leaphorn, Joe, detective Hillerman, Tony, writer The Ice Cream Kiss
Leaves, Rustling, dreamer's pseudonym Magpie, a dream character The Mountain, the Magpie and the Road:
Le Guin, Ursula, Taoist writer now has her own page: LE GUIN
Le Sorcier, painting in Trois Freres Cave, France Shortis, Sam, shamanic dreamer Deer-Man Dancing
Leda, swanlover or rape victim? --- Hot to Trot, or,
Sad-Eyed Swan of Love
Ang Lee (director) Ice Storm, film Nixon Nose
Lee, Annabel, Poe's dead love Poe, Edgar Allen, writer Annabel Rose
Lee, Daughn, poet Roswila, dream-poet Stabbed Alive
Lee, Samuel, translator Battuta, Ibn, world traveler Battuta's Dream
Lee, Tanith, writer --- The Fairy Wife
The Lee Sisters now have their own page: The Lees
Le Guin, Ursula, Taoist writer now has her own page: LE GUIN
Legge, Miss Janie dreamer Megroz, R.L., dream collector "It Was My Baby!"
Leiber, Fritz, writer The Big Time, an early novel of the multiverse Doctor Ventril
Leiber, Fritz, writer A Pail of Air, post-apocalypse story Gold Eater
Leiber, Fritz, writer short stories No One's Out to Get Us
Leiber, Fritz, writer Conjure Wife, novel Ronald Reagan Stole My Soul!
Lemmon, Jack, actor The China Syndrome, film The Deer Party
Lena, Selena or Jo, a long-term dreamworker now has her own page: Selena
Lennon, John, composer and writer In His Own Write, stories and poems I Dream of Deriverrans
Lennon, John, composer and activist Sultan, Jenny Badger, dream artist Great Goddess
Lennon, John, composer Love Is Real, Real Is Love (song) Love is Real, Real is Love, But...
Leona, my forceful friend --- Starhawk the Witch
Leona, my forceful friend --- The Vat Messiah
Leona, my forceful friend --- Spin-Witch
Leona, my forceful friend --- Poltergeist
Leona, my forceful friend. Or is that really Leona? Freeze!
Leonardo Da Vinci, dreamer? (childhood memory: fact, dream, vision?) Leonardo's Bird
Leonardo Da Vinci, painter The Last Supper, mural Christa's Fur
Leonardo Da Vinci, painter The Last Supper, mural Tower of the Martian Dead
Lesa, a psychic dreamer The Stroke
Lessing, Doris, writer Shikasta and The Sirian Experiments, novels Hebradio
Lessing, Doris, writer The Sirian Experiments, novel Rabbit World
Levertov, Denise, a dream-poet now has her own page: Denise Levertov
Levine, Philip, poet Stills, Lemon, industrial worker, muse They Feed They Lion
Lewis, C.S., writer Aslan, a lion-god Aslan's Swoop
Lewis, C.S., moralizer The Great Divorce, book The Devil by CS Lewis
Lewis, C.S., writer Aslan, a sentient lion Gyrlfalcon
Lewis, C.S., writer Narnia books: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe My Mother's Closet
Lewis, C.S., writer Narnia books: Voyage of the Dawntreader Bar Bet
Lewis, C.S., writer Narnia books Gyrlfalcon
Lewis, C.S., writer Narnia books: A Horse & his Boy Aslan's Swoop
Lewis, C.S., writer The Problem Of Pain, nonfiction book The Problem of Pain
Lewis, C.S., writer Out of the Silent Planet, novel set on Mars Tharn: Geology & Ecology
Lewis, C.S., writer Out of the Silent Planet and Perelandra, novels Titania
Lewis, C.S., writer Perelandra, novel set on Venus Aroo's Engineers
Lewis, C.S., writer Perelandra, novel Cat-Snake
Lewis, Naphtali, historian The Interpretation of Dreams and Portents in Antiquity Temple of Dreamwork
Lex Luthor, villain Smallville, TV show, and Superman, comic Larry's Multiverse
Li Po, ancient poet --- Kidnap Li Po!
Li Yu, writer Sex and Zen (film of his novel "The Carnal Prayer Mat") Princess of Passion
Lianna (film) --- The Faculty Wife
Liberty (dream painting) Girondé, Marie Claude, painter Liberté
Liblin, Marc, recurrent psychic dreamer Make, Meretuini, speaker of Old Rapa Rapa Iti
Life of the Party, comix collection Fleener, Mary, cartoonist/dreamer Hot Jungle Loins
Life of the Party, comix collection Fleener, Mary, cartoonist/dreamer John Says Goodbye
Life of the Party, comix collection Fleener, Mary, cartoonist/dreamer My Favorite Dream of 1991
Li'l Abner, comic strip Capp, Al, cartoonist Al Capp's Horses
Liley, Megan, Toronto singer-songwriter Graffiti Highway, cabaret The Key to our Inheritance
Lilith, novel MacDonald, George, writer Owl Guardian
'Lilli Ann', mural Campusano, Chuy, muralist Marjane
Lilliput, a land of mouse-size people Swift, Jonathan, a fantasy writer Laputans Lecture Brobdingnag
Lily, a San Francisco artist and dreamer Lily now has her own page: LILY
Lily, a princess--and a bee Dou Xun, a dreamer Princess Lily
Lily Michaud, dreamer --- Flying Unicorns's Gifts
Lincoln, Abraham, assassinated abolitionist --- Learning Scales
Lincoln, Abraham, statesman --- The Mating Game
Lincoln, Abraham, psychic dreamer --- Lincoln's Assassination Dream
Lincoln, Abraham, statesman --- The Builder
Linda, a worried mom Amiga computers Blundering Linda
Linda W., surreal dreamer Navels & bellybuttons Linda's Naval (not a typo!)
Lindberg, Carole, dream artist International Society for the Study of Dreams Non Omnis Moriar
Linderman, Frank, biographer see Plenty Coups, psychic dreamer Buffalo Person, etc.
Lindgren, Astrid, writer Pippi Longstocking, kids' book series Astrid and Me
Lindsay, a crush of mine who practices invisibility Free the Hick
Lindsay, a crush of mine who's half-unicorn Galileo Falls
Lindsay, who'll settle for me till she finds a Real Man I'm a Vesta
Lindsay, the girl who got away perhaps fortunately Kitty Wants to Die
Lindsay, the girl who got away-- too far away In the Lemon Sea
Lindsay, David, metaphysical science fiction writer A Voyage to Arcturus Sorb Truce
Link, Kelly, writer Flying Lessons, story The Key to our Inheritance
Linkhart, Carl, dream artist now has his own page: Carl Linkhart
Linscott, Steve, psychic dreamer jailed for telling his dreams Linscott's Nightmare
Linsombres, Jasha, dream being Houston, James D., author & teacher Krelkin
Lissajou Curves, a dream --- Don't Shoot the Ibex
Lithgow, John, actor Third Rock from the Sun, TV show The Crosstime Health Risk
Little Darlings, 1980 film inspiring the dream Cat Repels Dinosaurs
Little Darlings, 1980 film inspiring the dream Dallas Gmork
Little Earthquakes (song) Amos, Tori, composer But I Want to Live
A Little Knowledge, story Anderson, Poul, writer Witweet Wayan
Little Lady Lovekins & Old Man Muffaroo, comic Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland, surreal comic Saturation Dial
Little Lady Lovekins & Old Man Muffaroo, comic Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland, surreal comic Overlay
The Little Mermaid, short story Andersen, Hans Christian, writer The Dating Demon
Little Mermaid, Disney animation The Boy and the Beast, anime Father-in-Law the Whip
Little Nemo in Slumberland, comic strip McCay, Winsor, cartoonist Little Nemo
Little Nemo in Slumberland, comic strip McCay, Winsor, cartoonist For Them
Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland, surreal comic Little Lady Lovekins & Old Man Muffaroo, comic Saturation Dial
Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland, surreal comic Little Lady Lovekins & Old Man Muffaroo, comic Overlay
Little Red Book, nickname of booklet Mao Zidong, writer Idi Amin
Little Red Riding Hood Simsa Valiha, dream character The Everest Marathon
Little Red Riding Hood and a human wolf Squirrel Girl
Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wo(o)lf Woolf, Virginia, writer Timedoors of the Gods
Little Red Riding Hood in a Red city Ulyanovsk
Little Things in a Big Country, artist's notebook Hinchman, Hannah, watercolorist & diarist Critters of the Montana Front
Little White Duck, child's autobiography Liu, Na, dreamer Yellow Crane
Liu Bang, founder of Han Dynasty Bo Ji, concubine and dreamer Dragon-Nurturer
Liu Cixin, writer & dreamer Tiananmen massacre, 1989 Supernova Era
Liu, Na, dreamer Little White Duck, child's autobiography Yellow Crane
Lively, Adam, a philosophy major (and dreamer) Heidegger, Martin, philosopher Heidegger's Visit
"Liz", my old housemate, a dreamer, now has her own page: Liz
Lloyd-Owens, J., inadvertent movie-house prophet Brinton, Lieut., British Navy flier Schneider Trophy Crash
Lodge, Oliver, dreamer --- Shoot the Mirror!
Loewi, Otto, biochemist --- Loewi's Nobel Dream
a London girl: a forefeeler JB Priestley, writer F.I.P.
London, Jack, writer --- The Kerouac Tree
London, Jack, writer The Sea Wolf, novel The Sea-Wolf's Brain
Lone Star, film --- Flyaway Home
Long, Shelley, actor Cheers, TV show Love Day
Longyear, Barry, writer Enemy Mine, short story and film In the Enemy Mine
Lonnrot, Elias, translator The Kalevala (Finnish epic) Tiamat's Rebellion
Lonsdale, Michael, actor Eréndira, movie Eréndira
"Look, It's a Dirigible, No, a Whale...", dream painting Jenny Badger Sultan, dream artist Fluid Dream Connections
Lord of the Rings now has its own page Middle Earth
Lord Valentine's Castle, novel Silverberg, Robert, writer An Ill-Formed Tale
Lorelei, crag on the Rhein River Wagner, Richard, composer The Spell Blurs Women
Loucks, Sierra, dream artist --- Burn
Love and Rockets, comics series Hernandez, Jaime and Gil Bonk Veronica
Love Is Real, Real Is Love (song) Lennon, John Love is Real, Real is Love, But...
Love Tactics, book McKnight, Thomas, writer Boil the Cord
Lovecraft, H.P., horror writer Cthulhu, a yucky deity Godeville, or, Living with Cthulhu
Lovely Awkward Synth, dream Wayan, Chris, dreamer see: Her Lovely Awkward Synth
The Lovers, novel Farmer, Philip Jose, writer Well-Meaning Grass
Lowell, Amy, poet World War I Dreams in War Time
Lowell, James Russell, a poet --- Gold Egg
Lowell, Percival, astronomer Brun, Emmy Ingeborg, astronomer Mars globe, 1909
Lu Yuan Ming, psychic dreamer Wang You, his best friend Farewell, Friend
Lucid Dreaming, book LaBerge, Stephen, dream researcher and writer Quadruple Wedding
Lucifer, spirit of temptation Adam and Eve The Enchanted Woman
Lucifer see also the Devil Titania
Lucky Starr (juvenile science fiction series) Asimov, Isaac, writer Lucky Starr
Lucian of Samosata, ancient satirist Megroz, Rodolphe, dream collector Sculptor or Writer?
"Lucinda", psychodrama actor sister of "Mason" Nucleus
"Lucinda", a survivor of the Apocalypse, I mean! Take Stock of your Pelvis!
"Lucinda", a modern girl (not the 17th Century)--- Time Pirates
"Lucinda", a nude skeptic on a lunar expedition Witweet Wayan
The Lumberjanes, comics series Stevenson, Noelle, writer, cartoonist & dreamer Brother
Luna, Princess of Equestria, an alicorn My Little Pony, cartoon show & comics Family Jesters
Luna, Princess of Equestria, an alicorn My Little Pony, cartoon show & comics Her Cutie Mark
Luna, Princess of Equestria, an alicorn My Little Pony, cartoon show & comics Goldie and Grimoire
Lupoff, Richard, a science fiction writer The Triune Man, a novel on roads not taken Fox and the Eye of God
Os Lusiadas, epic poem Camoes, Luiz Vaz de, Portuguese poet The Lusiads
Luther, Martin, religious reformer Frederick, Elector of Saxony, politician and dreamer The Pen
Luthien Tinuviel, elf-princess in ancient Middle Earth Tolkien, J.R.R., writer Ann-Thenath
Luthor, Lex, a bald villain Smallville, TV show, and Superman, comic Larry's Multiverse
Lyanasha (variant spelling), shaman of the Maasai Stoneham, C.T., colonial writer on Kenya Layanasha's Dream
Lyme disease Under Our Skins, documentary Heiress and Mortal
Lyon, James, dreamer --- Love of my Lives
Lynn, Elizabeth, writer The Northern Girl, novel Master of the House of Dusk
Lyttelton, Dame Edith, psychic researcher Lyttelton now has her own page: Dame Edith Lyttelton
Lytton, Lord Robert (Owen Meredith), a poet or at least a poetaster... Lines Composed in Sleep
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