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Kamar's Dragon
Dreamed May 1977 by Kamar
In 1977, Elyse Jacobs got a California Arts Council grant to do dream workshops in San Francisco for children aged 5-12. Kamar was one of the participants.
There was a dragon,
with a door in the tail. You
knock on his knees and
a cloud of smoke lifts you
into his mouth.
Inside the dragon,
lives the witch.
Under her hat are two cats.
One is a mother, one is a baby.
They only have two eyes between them.
The witch's hat separates night from day.
Both night and day are in the same sky.
The witch and the dragon are both
Kamar's dream friends.
(Kamar dictated these words to E.J. 5-77.
In sketch, angle on left is the witch's pointy hat)
SOURCE: Dreamworks: an Interdisciplinary Quarterly (v.3, no.1, fall 1982, p.8-9)
dream beings -
dragons -
crayon? -
juvenilia -
also from Jacobs' dream workshop:
Jessica the Mermaid &
Mika's Dream Horse -
Dreamworks Quarterly
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