Dino for a Night
Dreamed 2017/7/9 by Wayan
Pulp plot, gender-blurred dinosaurs: I just read Passing Strange by Ellen Klages. In the afternotes, she says Margaret Brundage, the pioneer queer SF painter (both SFs: San Francisco and science fiction!) painted nearly 100 pulp magazine covers; lurid masterpieces for a pittance. But she had fun painting babes and scaly alien sex... and they paid the rent and kept her independent.
Temporarily invulnerable: not from Passing Strange (gays in 1940s America were profoundly vulnerable) but a kids' book by Ursula Vernon, Hamster Princess: Harriet the Invincible. Harriet bears a deadly curse: to fall into a century-long sleep when she hits twelve. But she figures out that guarantees survival to twelve! Harriet tests it--fights dragons and giants, jumps off cliffs... Leveraging your capital is one thing, leveraging your curse is inspired. Ha! And my dream liked it enough to give me a taste. Dino for a day. Well, night.
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