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Midori's Dream

Dreamed c.2015 by Midori Yamane as told and drawn by her friend Igort

Midori's dream from 'Japanese Notebooks' by Igort, p.1
Midori's dream from 'Japanese Notebooks' by Igort, p.2


Midori was Igort's translator as he wrote and drew Japanese Notebooks: a Journey to the Empire of Signs (2015 Italian ed., 2017 English; the dream's on p.179-80). I find it revealing that Midori sees a male Italian cartoonist not only as Japanese but female, "of a certain age", and, tellingly, old-fashioned. The Japan of Notebooks looks back with (sometimes fierce) nostalgia to prewar Japan, despite that lost world's many flaws. It goes deeper than his interests, though. "Her gestures were absolutely precise. Her movements were calm. The calm of someone who has lived a full life." I don't know about Igort's personal life, but in Notebooks, his hand and eye are patient and sure, capturing a beauty that isn't only Japanese, but Igortese. Midori's dream is soul-portraiture.

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