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Ute Raid

Dreamed by Hosteen Hon's grandmother c.1856, or c.1873 (but not between)

My father died when I was little. This is one of my grandmother's dreams. She died seventeen years ago.

A year before they had a war with the Utes, she dreamed of some kind of Indians dressed in their costumes. They were fighting with (these) Indians. At that time her husband was well-to-do. She had horses and sheep and other Indian wealth. She thought the Indians were capturing her sheep and horses.

She told me that the year after, the Utes captured these sheep and horses. In the morning the sheep and horses were taken out to graze. The Utes came and killed all the sheep save six and the horses and all their possessions in the hogan were taken away and the Utes left them hardly anything.


Any dreams like that I didn't use to believe. I usually thought they were false. After this dream, I realized that dreams were true.

SOURCE: The Dream in Primitive Cultures edited by Jackson Lincoln, 1935, pp 233-4 in 1970 reprint. Primary source: interviews by Lincoln through translators, May 1932. Date: a guess; probably the mid-late 1850s, when the Ute raids were common. It can't be in the 1860s--all war and famine, thanks to Uncle Sam. It took a few years to rebuild stock, but the early/mid 1870s saw recovery plus sporadic raids, so that time window is also possible.

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