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Indian School

Dreamed 1926 by Hosteen Hon

Six years ago I had a brother at school in Sherman. He was strong and healthy and was well advanced in his education.

I dreamed about this brother. I thought he came back, but he came back skinny and nothing but bone and as black as this stove pipe.

Four months after my dream, we got news from Fort Defiance that my brother was sent back from Sherman to Fort Defiance very ill. I was notified by an Indian and I went over to Fort Defiance to see my brother. When I got to the hospital the nurses and Doctor told me where to go and see my brother. When I got to the bedside I saw my brother was in a serious condition. He was lying in bed just the way I dreamed of him and the Doctor said nothing could be done for the boy.

I decided I wanted to take my brother home with me. The doctor said all right. I took him home, and after we had been home four days after that, the boy died.

From then on I realized that what my grandmother had said was true. My dreams had come true, and I began to believe in the truth of my dreams.

SOURCE: The Dream in Primitive Cultures edited by Jackson Lincoln, 1935, p 234 in 1970 reprint. Primary source: interviews by Lincoln through translators, May 1932.

LISTS AND LINKS: siblings - school - politics - Native Americans - illness - death - predictive dreams - psychic dreams, all types - more from Hosteen Hon: Lightning - from his grandmother: Ute Raid

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