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Plane over Oraibi

Dreamed by Hosteen Hal between 1902 & '13 (probably early end of range)

I remember some of my old dreams. I believe in them. I used to live on the other side of Piñon and some time ago, during the last thirty years, I dreamed that, I thought I stepped outside of my hogan and saw a white aeroplane. Then the Indians didn't know about planes. It came down and landed near my hogan.

A man told me to get in the plane. I got in and we started off. When we got up in the air, we flew South. From the plane we could hardly see the horses below. We flew over Oraibi, and Hubbells store. It was hard to see things from there.

Then I woke up. That is the end.


I didn't believe in aeroplanes in those days and hadn't even seen an automobile. I hadn't even heard of aeroplanes at the time.

When I woke up I told the Indians of my dream, but they wouldn't believe me. I said "If it is true, we shall hear about planes."

Since then I have been to Gallup and have seen lots of white planes, like in the dream.

I think my dream came true.

SOURCE: The Dream in Primitive Cultures edited by Jackson Lincoln, 1935, pp 226-7 in 1970 reprint. Primary source: interview by Lincoln through translator, May 1932, with Hosteen Hal, President of Black Mountain Chapter. Date range: next dream he recalls, much later, is 1914.

LISTS AND LINKS: planes - flying - predictive dreams - long-term predictions - ESP in general - Native American dreams - more by Hosteen Hal: Eagle Woman - a plane dream 20 years before the real ride: Sky-Boat

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