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Longterm Predictions

This page lists examples of a rare type of dream: predictions of events years in the future. Most predictive dreams are short-term--days or at most weeks; the broader list contains all the dreams below and many more. My thoughts on the implications of predictive dreaming are on the general page; here, I'll just list examples that show how far a dreamer can, on rare occasions, see ahead.

In the main list, full descriptions of dreams are alphabetical; but here's a list from longest first: 70 years: Buffalo Person -- 65-70: Layanasha's Dream -- 40: Harry and Kuvyrkin -- 39: Gudrun's Four Husbands -- 37: My Ex-Wife -- 34: Ocarina -- 33ish: Bill Cosby's Wife & Impossible Ships -- 30ish: Plane over Oraibi -- 29: White-Faced Mare -- 26ish: Siegfried Must Die and The Great Peace -- 25ish: Jack of Greatness -- 23: Crazy Horse's Dream -- 22: Eagles in Love with a Swan -- 21ish: Sky-Boat -- 20ish: Gunnhildr’s Birth Dream & Ragnhild's Tree -- 18: Lucid on the Moon & Rift Zone -- 17: Six-Month Tombstone, Seventeen-Year Cabinet -- 12: The Tao of Dennis the Menace -- 11: Unexploded Sphere -- 10-11: Riverbank Bliss -- 10: Ten Years After -- 10 & 8: Red Uncle, Red Canyon -- 5-10: Deja Reve -- 8-9: Coffins & Breast Bandit -- 8: Mesopotamian Armory -- 7: Egyptian God, Gunships, Two Planes -- 6: Street of the Future, Guardian Angel Course, Aida's Toilet Boat -- 5: Starfish, Ordeal by Infrastructure, Lion-Girl Triangle -- 4: Five Hearts -- 3: Emancipation

RELATED TOPICS: examples of ESP - subsets prediction, telepathy versus dreams about telepathy, psychokinesis versus dreams about psychokinesis - pseudo-psychic dreams (apparent psychic dreams, but the waking-world proof turns out to be a dream too!) - ESP in society (effects on personality structure (like boundaries), coping emotionally, denial, social prejudice, etc.) - J.W. Dunne's "An Experiment With Time" - general dreamwork and dream research - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.

What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.

AIDA'S TOILET BOAT: by Wayan; 1993/4/7, a short- AND long-term predictive dream.
A sexy comedian and her troubles down the drain.
A dream that turned out to be true six days later,
and again in a different way six YEARS later...
BILL COSBY'S WIFE: by Wayan; 1994/5/5, one of many creepy dreams about a comedian I loved.
I'm Bill Cosby's wife, finding it hard to cook for him without a stove or fridge...
THE BREAST BANDIT: by Wayan, 1984/5/31, an embarrassing dream.
I'm bad. I'm really bad. I know I shouldn't have done it. But my mail-order breasts were late...
BUFFALO PERSON: by Plenty Coups, summer 1857; a child's time-traveling, tribe-saving dream
I was led into the future, where all the buffalo disappeared, to meet a frail old man by a ranch house...
COFFINS: by Beryl and Wayan; 1983/11/5, dark parallel/shared/telepathic dreams
Twin dreams of ghoulish games backstage at a theater.
And they anticipated real long-term ghoulishness...
CRAZY HORSE'S DREAM: by Crazy Horse; summer 1854 (age 11-12) a life-predicting dream
I saw a man riding across the face of a lake. Bullets and arrows flew at him, but all missed.
He reached the shore. Men who looked like him rose from the ground, and pulled him down...
DEJA REVE: by Percy Bysshe Shelley; before 1810, a flash of a premonitory dream
While walking in the country, a vista suddenly terrifies Shelley: he recognizes it from a dream years before...
EAGLES IN LOVE WITH A SWAN: by Thorstein Egilson; c. 982 AD, a twenty-year predictive dream
Before his daughter's even born, Thorstein dreams two eagles in love with a swan kill one another in rivalry over her...
THE EGYPTIAN GOD: by Wayan; 1991/12/21, a 7-year precognitive dream.
Egyptian archeologists dig up a living god. He sees us as dolls to play with, but we've grown up...
EMANCIPATION: by Harriet Tubman; c. 1860/1/1, a dream looking three years ahead
Tubman woke ecstatic, unable to eat. "My people are free!" Her host said "My grandchildren may see it; but we will be gone."
"No! I tell you, sir, you'll see it, and you'll see it soon. My people are free! My people are free!" Three years later...
FIVE HEARTS: by Wayan; dreamed 1989/1/11; sexy psychic unicorn dream-comic (text only: FIVE HEARTS)
I'm a nurse pulled through a glowing well to a world ruled by a five-hearted unicorn, who wants me to...
THE GREAT PEACE: by George Antheil; early 1922; two predictive dreams that change a pianist's life
I dream it's after a great war; I hear the music I must write, and meet the girl I must marry...
THE GUARDIAN ANGEL COURSE: by Wayan; 1984/9/29, a long-term predictive dream
I get bored with crime, so I take a course in finding my Guardian Angel. But my test results are strange...
GUDRUN'S FOUR HUSBANDS: by Gudrun Osvifursdottir; summer 988, plus spring 1026
Four childhood dreams predicting Gudrun's life; plus a predictive dream by her husband Thorkell Eyjolfson
Gudrun dreams of four treasures: a hood, a bracelet, a ring, a jeweled helm. Her cousin sees them as four marriages...
GUNNHILDR’S BIRTH DREAM: by Gunnhildr; c. 1150, a surreal predictive dream.
I dreamt I gave birth to a white-hot stone shedding sparks. Most folk would find my son strange...
GUNSHIPS: by Wayan, 1982/4/24, a nightmare predicting the Falkland war
Helicopter gunships invade. I repel bullets with pure willpower. But
they too have shields making guns useless. I duel two soldiers...
HARRY AND KUVYRKIN: by Vladimir Nabokov, 1916, a punning long-term predictive dream.
Nabokov's uncle left him a fortune but the Revolution took it. He dreamed his uncle said "I shall return to you as
Harry & Kuvyrkin." 40 years later filmmakers Harris & Kubrick paid Nabokov a fortune for the rights to Lolita...
IMPOSSIBLE SHIPS: by Wayan; winter 1966?, a child's lucid-prompting dream; & longterm prediction
The fog parts. A huge ship's on San Francisco Bay. Impossible--half a mile long! I must be dreaming.
But half a century later...
JACK OF GREATNESS: by Mistress Abbot of Guilford; 1562; a predictive, pregnancy-craving dream.
Mistress Abbot dreams if she eats a jackfish her child will be great. Next morning one swims into her waterbucket...
LAYANASHA'S DREAM: by Layanasha, laibon of the Maasai, c.1850, a prophecy spanning 65-70 years
Layanasha foresaw the British would bring a great snake spanning Maasai territory, then a plague killing
half the tribe, a second plague killing nearly all the cattle, and finally huge birds flying over the veldt...
LION-GIRL TRIANGLE: by Wayan; 2000/12/11, an uncomfortable sex-dilemma dream, possibly predictive
I'm a betrothed teenager having to choose between mates, in an alternate Africa where
lions are another tribe of people--and occasionally adopt humans...
LUCID ON THE MOON: by Wayan; 1980/2/23, a long-term psychic dream.
I'm on the run, on the moon. Cyborgs toss bombs at me. Yikes! Is this what melted Mare Orientalis?
MESOPOTAMIAN ARMORY: by Wayan, 2008/8/6, a shape-poem based on a dream
An ancient Mesopotamian city learned to make catapult-bombs of powdered
manure. But excessive stockpiles & bad housekeeping led to Armageddung...
MY EX-WIFE: by Wayan; 1982/3/23, a dream on delusions--and maybe ESP
A woman with two teenagers breaks in and says she's my ex-wife and they're my kids.
I'm in my twenties; I CAN'T have teenage kids. And I have no ex-wife! Just my girlfriend Cassandra.
Forty years later it all makes sense. It's not about me then, but John now...
NUCLEUS: by Wayan, 1979/3/18, a surreal dream of character-insight, set inside an atom
I dream my theatre friends are particles dancing inside an atomic nucleus--
particles that reveal their character, motivations and power. And I'm one too...
OCARINA, or, MILLION-YEAR SENTENCE: by Wayan; 1972/5/27, a lucid / predictive dream.
I go lucid and drive my bed to the Nevada desert where I see my next million years. And so far, it's been true...
ORDEAL BY INFRASTRUCTURE: by Wayan; 1987/11/22, a Clintonian dreamtale--before Clinton!
I want to join the inner circle of America's political elite.
But to do that I have to survive the Ordeal by Infrastructure...
THE PEGASI TUB: by Wayan; 2013/11/9, a fun, flirty dream I felt I didn't deserve
After a rainy hike I'm cold and muddy. In the camp's hot tub, six girls splash and play.
They welcome me, but I feel shy. They slowly become winged ponies! Were-Pegasi...
PLANE OVER ORAIBI: by Hosteen Hal, c.1902-13; a long-range predictive dream
Before I'd ever heard of planes, I dreamed one landed near me. A white man invited me to ride,
and we flew over Oraibi. I told people but they didn't believe such a thing could come true...
RAGNHILD'S TREE and HALFDAN'S CURLS: by Queen Ragnhild and King Halfdan of Norway; c.850 CE
twin dreams predicting their children and nation will prosper.
Ragnhild sees a lovely tree rooted in her pain and blood;
Halfdan sleeps with pigs and dreams he has a great head of hair...
RED UNCLE, RED CANYON: by JB Priestley; c.1907 and c.1925, two dreamlets looking years ahead
As a boy I dreamt my uncle (a calm man) glared at me in red rage; I was terrified. A decade later, in a bar...
I dreamt I saw, over a balcony rail, bright-colored, spectacular scenery. Years after in Arizona, I took a detour...
THE RIFT ZONE: by Wayan; 1987/11/27, a long-term psychic dream.
I'm not ambivalent--I'm confused! I live here by the Rift Zone and I don't. I'm single and not. Two lives!...
RIVERBANK BLISS: by "Anonymous #11"; c. 1920, a mood-predicting dream
Eleven years after I dreamt of that green dress and green riverbank and dreamy day, I was convalescing in...
SATORI ACCORDING TO GHOST: by Wayan; 1998/4/11, a longterm predictive dream
A Buddhist student, troubled by a corporation marketing a product called
"Satori", summons the ghost of her beloved mentor for advice...
SIEGFRIED MUST DIE: by Carl Jung; 1913/12/18, an archetypal (and predictive?) dream.
Jung and a little brown man shoot down Siegfried the German Hero, riding his chariot of bones. Wait... his what?
(by a California model, pre-1961, and by a Texas maid, 1945; two predictive dreams compared)
Predictive dreams rarely hint how far they've peered ahead; they just place you in their foreseen future...
SKY-BOAT: by J.W. Dunne, c.1889; a long-term predictive dream
As a child I read Jules Verne's Clipper of the Clouds--a metal craft with many propellers on spars, not wings.
Soon I dreamt I designed & flew quite a different craft, like a small boat of canvas on a wood frame.
20 years later, I was test-flying a new aeroplane with a boatlike cockpit of white canvas on a wood...
STARFISH: by Marc Ian Barasch, c. 1985; a multileveled, doubly predictive dream
A sacred starfish piloting a Cessna plane survives a crash. But can it survive a boy's clumsy rescue efforts?
STREET OF THE FUTURE: by Rick Veitch; Mar 1974; a predictive dream
I'm a bike courier. I take a packet of fifty potent dreams
up Dream Street and deliver them to the year 1980...
THE TAO OF DENNIS THE MENACE: by Wayan; 1986/4/17, a dream of a wise mentor.
Chased by purple squid from Jupiter, I seek refuge with a guru the Goddess recommends for me...
TEN YEARS AFTER: by Anonymous #31; before 1951, a predictive dream.
I dreamed I drove through snow to my parents' home where my mother lay dead. Ten years later...
TORCH-BEARER: by Queen Hecuba of Troy; c. 1270 BCE, an alarming dream.
Hecuba dreams she gives birth, not to a child but a flaming torch! But she lets Paris live...
TWO PLANES: by Wayan, 1994/9/6, a multistaged psychic dream.
An assassination plot using two planes triggers an invasion of our kingdom. Flee? Fight?
I'm a peaceful hobbit who'd rather be playing Frisbee with the dryads...
UNEXPLODED SPHERE: by "Anonymous #10"; c. 1904, a precise predictive dream
As a boy I dreamt of a war; officers marked the landing-spot of an unexploded black sphere. Years later...
A WHITE-FACED MARE, 29 YEARS LATER: by an Iowa grandma; 1918, a predictive dream
My grandmother dreamt a white-faced black mare trampled me in our orchard.
We had no such mare. But 29 years later, I boarded a man's two mares...

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