Street of the Future
Dreamed March 1974 by Rick Veitch
In Rick's book Crypto Zoo, illustratrating his first dream diary (Nov. 1973 through Mar. 1974), this is the last one. Crypto Zoo doesn't always separate or date individual dreams, but there are indeed about fifty of them. So I suspect the packet Rick has to deliver to the future here contains his own dreams--including this one!
...I'm shown almost exactly how long it's going to take for this future I'm imagining to manifest itself. I'm delivering fifty dreams to 1980 Dream Street. My professional career in comics began in summer 1979. I met my wife-to-be that October.
SOURCE: Rick Veitch's Crypto Zoo, 2004, King Hell Press (collecting #s 15-20 of his Rare Bit Fiends comics), pp.125-26 + note p.139. Untitled; "Street of the Future" added to aid searches.
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