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Translucence: an Assay

Dreamed (c.2005?) by Jane Hirshfield

A dog implausibly large,
with fur the color of rose-quartz, slipped through my sleep.

I have never seen roses that color,
or a vein of quartz move through its fissure on soft-padded feet.
This was sure, though: what she wanted was for me to follow.

She did not look back.
A shadow opened then folded behind her.
I followed as if past a gate latch
sliding closed on its own silent weight.

It was not so very different, really.
More as if the narrator had turned and departed,
abandoned the story,
and each tree, each stone, stood clear in its own full fate.

The dream, Iike the dog, went on, travelled elsewhere.
Passed by the moment when everything might have been changed.
Passed by the moment of knowing I wanted everything changed.

Source: "After" by Jane Hirshfield, HarperCollins 2006, p.15. Date is purely my guess based on publication date. --Chris Wayan

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