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What Will the Newspapers Say?

Dreamed by CE Lawrence, before 1939

I was always attracted by the revelations of astronomy, though my pursuit of the uplifting science had to end when, having passed from the romance of it, I came to the mathematics.

One night I dreamed of the corona, the ragged circle of flame emanating from the sun which in the photographs of a solar eclipse may appear as a fiery edging to the shadowed mass.

Gradually as I gazed, for the ragged edge of the corona was exaggerated and impossibly clear to my naked eyes, I saw that it was disappearing. The vigorous expenditure of gas and flames was growing less and less; then the sun itself--even the very sun--began to dwindle; until the whole great orb was vanished into darkness, and I found myself wondering:

"What will the newspapers say about this?"

The sun and its corona dwindle; a dream by CE Lawrence, digital sketch by Wayan.


I'm not so sure this dream is joking. Consider the time; the late 1930s. Intelligent people could see the biggest war in history brewing. Civilization's lights were going out. And what did the politicians, pundits and papers say? In 1938, the British Prime Minister announced his appeasement of Hitler had secured "peace in our time." His time lasted one year. As this book on dreams was being published, the apocalypse began.

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: The Dream World by Rodolphe L. Megroz, 1939, p.149.

LISTS AND LINKS: other worlds - light - nocturnes - death - apocalyptic dreams - news media - weird dream humor? or a dream on politics & war? - Megroz

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