The Cuteness Pageant
dreamed 2008/8/29 by Wayan
The stanzas below should be in neat triangles. If not, widen your viewing window, or try the text-only version
But when you have enough, when the famine-fear fades,
your innerbeast relaxes. She's freed now to play!
So Spirit Wolf lopes from your torso out.
Or you can fast on down to naught
till Appetite just gives up. The old ascetic way--
and when life was "nasty, brutish and short",
'twas oft the sole recourse if you sought
a soul; enough could not be got.
But now, today, we're golden in the sun.
Enough is easier than none. But then
either path'll do. Relax, have fun!
Hungersleep lets soulsight in.
Just don't mess with
Mr. In Between!
Mr. Hunger,
he gets
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