World Dream Bank home - add a dream - newest - art gallery - sampler - dreams by title, subject, author, date, places, names Dusk, mountains. From a castle comes a woman in a red hooded robe, playing a flute.


Dreamed 1981/6/19, painted almost exactly 20 years later, by Chris Wayan

I'm giving my friend Jade a Tarot reading with the deck I drew, the cards drawn from dreams.

Jade keeps her question secret. The significator or card representing Jade herself is... one I've never seen in the waking world. The Queen of Wands is walking toward us, holding a flute; dark clouds of dusk above her; behind, a castle silhouetted on a band of sunset light over jagged mountains...

I know in the dream I'm supposed to paint this image.

But when I wake, I put it off, and put it off... until...


I'm going through my dreams and art to build the World Dream Bank. I find this dream-prompt, twenty years old, a fossil buried under more recent strata, so to speak. And draw it at last. A hasty version, but at least a start.

Twenty years ago I really was drawing a Tarot deck full of dream images--the dream wasn't imagining that--but it STILL isn't finished. Wonderful art training though...

And this website may force me to finish it yet.

LISTS AND LINKS: Tarot - musicians - dreams on art - nocturnes - royalty - pure digital art

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