Natalian dreams
Readers who haven't had such a dream will naturally feel skeptical. Just remember: until recently sleep researchers told us lucid dreaming was physiologically impossible--the brain was too disordered in REM for self-awareness and critical thinking. They were proved wrong in the lab.
So belief or disbelief is premature--the first step is to collect more samples! Search has to come before research.
So... have you ever had a Natalian dream? Do you know anyone who's had one? Send it to me and I'll add it here.
RELATED TOPICS: out of body experiences - lucid dreams - psychic dreams - shamanic dreams - dreams of metabolic or hormonal processes - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
AFTERIMAGE: by Wayan; 1983/8/8, a dream on dreams. A bizarre little dream proving just how physical the impact of a dream is on the body... |
ASTEROID STRIKES: by Ben Bamber; Sept.-Dec. 2001, 4 dreams predicting 3 meteor strikes I witnessed strikes in Brighton and Devon through the eyes of others; but I felt the Cheltenham impact in my own body... |
CREEPINESS: by Scottopic; 2001/11/30. A hypnogogic nightmare. I'm in bed sleepily petting my cat, when I see my cat across the room! What's on my legs? It's big. My cat chases it off... through the wall? My room is sealed. Where did it come from, where did it go?... |
DEAD OR ALIVE? by Nancy Price; 1948, a surreal, poetic dream from the borderzone Troutmet the moon-pigeon, Burtra the blackbird, a talking acacia, my dead father and my dead gardener all give me afterlife-advice... |
THE DREAM TO LAST YEARS: by Elizabeth Church; 2004? to March 2008; repeated meetings with a guardian--in dreams & out! For five years now I've been dreaming of this guy. Many dreams, same guy... |
EBON EBON THALUD: by Samuel Coleridge; 1800/11/28, a nightmare struggle leaving physical traces. Ebon Ebon Thalud, a woman blended with darkness, tries to gouge out my right eye. I wake screaming. My right eyelid... |
EXPERIMENT WITH TIME by Nancy Price; 1948, a shamanic-initiation dream declined? I meet a girl who's 16 and 61, who tells me dreams are lives, not messages. But then I must fly over a sinister parade... |
EYE-SAVIOR: by an Oldham girl, c.1784; a curative (not merely diagnostic) dream I had gone blind in one eye. I dreamt our Savior came to me, and when I woke, I could see... |
FURSA'S DREAM: by Fursa, c.633, as told by the Venerable Bede; a Christian shamanic dream Fursa the preacher, sick, dreams flaming devils & angels are trying his case; one failure to coax a deathbed repentance gets him scorched. He wakes with burns... CAUTION: DREAM HAS PHYSICAL EFFECTS |
HAIL AND FAREWELL by Nancy Price; 1947/6/6, a revenant dream-message A dying colleague haunts me all night. He says "crossings are often unpleasant" but death's not bad... |
LUCID NIGHTMARE CLINGS by Andrew Cowan, recurring nightmares 1996 or before I know I'm dreaming but it does no good--I'm paralyzed, and spams wrack my body, I fall out of bed. When I wake, I tingle and shake for minutes. Yet I'm still in bed; the sheets aren't even twisted... |
NATALIUS' WELTS: by Natalius the Confessor, c.155 CE (or 199?), a dream leaving physical traces. Natalius dreamed that angels whipped him for joining a heretic cult, and woke to find welts on his back... |
NOCTURNAL HAIRCUTS: by two of Pliny the Younger's servants; 96 CE. Subliminal? Oracular? Prank? Two boys dream robed figures climb in the window to cut their hair--and find, awake, someone has. While Pliny... |
OJIBWAY DREAM NET: by Regina de Cormier-Shekerjian, c.1984, a dream-poem of a visiting animus I hung the dream-net over my bed. It worked. A blue-winged man with a leg of silver came to me, drummed, danced, offered to teach me secrets. Awake, I found a blue feather caught in that net... |
OTTER MEDICINE: by The-Fringe, a Crow healer, early 1850s; a shamanic dream with physical effects I slept on an island in a scalding hot spring, praying for a dream. I got one--and woke up on the shore... |
PHOENIX: by Fiona Pitt-Kethley, 1996 or before, a transformation dream I was a stone gargoyle, a phoenix, guarding a hospital. But when a boy is unjustly denied care, I come alive, a golden bird, storming down to reform the system... |
RATTLER BANQUET: by Wayan; 1993/1/29, a pointed nightmare; it leaves punctures! My parents invite me out to dinner, but there's a rattlesnake under the table, and my mom chases it up my leg. I wake to find two holes in my knee... |
REMARKABLE: by Joseph Wilkins; 1754, an out-of-body dream Wilkins visits his parents in a dream. Only they think he's a ghost, and panic--in the real world... |
RIB-CRUSHER: by Robert Southey; 1823/10/5, a nightmare leaving traces I was in the grave. Worse, a living skeleton was trying to crush my ribs. Though terrified, I fought back, and... |
SATANIC LION’S WARNING: by Eldon B.; 2007/1/19, a nightmare with poltergeist activity I fled a demon into a shadowy construction zone where an even worse telepathic lion-devil lured me in with soothing flattery. I woke shaking--and then things in my room began to move... CAUTION: DEMONS, POLTERGEIST PHENOMENA |
SONG by Nancy Price; Nov. or Dec. 1948, a transcendent music dream Numb, sunk in a trance, I only woke when I broke through a wall to light and magical birdsong... |
TONSIL: by E.W. Kellogg, 1989 or before, a healing lucid dream Kellogg jabbed a wooden skewer through one tonsil. It got infected. In a lucid dream, he willed it to heal. In the next twelve hours, the infection vanished... |
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