Dreamed 1993/1/29 by Chris Wayan
What a banquet! True, it's indigestible-- But my parents mean well, and they pay. A rattlesnake snores beneath our table. My feminist mother kicks it away. A bistro's no place for a poison penis! And "Besides, he can't appreciate Fine food: snakes have no sense of taste." Snake wakes insulted. Coils into The coil and I back off a bit, and calm, It flees her clomping cattle-feet Angry thrashing at my knee. I wake in a cold reptilian fear--and swear Two red punctures in the bone-joint's side! So when "Face your blah blah" |
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True story! They took me out to dinner; no snake. I went to bed, dreamed the dinner again; snake! And woke with twin fang marks on my knee. I didn't swell up and die. But still... pretty physical for a dream-snake.
Dreams like this make it hard for me to mock others' claims of dreams leaving physical traces.
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