Plus a few dreams of losing your soul-mate, which I think is perhaps more devastating than anything else, in dream or in life--even more so than death itself.
RELATED TOPICS: the soul - love - Silky, my spirit wife - singles and dating dreams - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
ACORN AND PELT: by Wayan; 1983/7/19, a simple sex dream growing to a mystical extravaganza I fall in love, defying kidnappers, dwarf-tossers and Toulouse-Lautrec, until I become a time-traveling bunny... CAUTION: SEX, SHAMANISM, DWARF-TOSSING (LAUTREC!) |
AT THE BISEXUAL BALL: by Wayan; 1997/6/21, a dreamtale. How I found out what I really wanted at the bisexual ball. Really, I'm not disappointed... CAUTION: OH COME ON, READ THE TITLE |
BLACK MAGIC: by Wayan; 1986/11/10, a dream of love and rage; Chapter 8 of UNICORN TAG, though it can stand alone. A packet of magic soupmix sends me upstairs to a secret wizards' lab. They've summoned a demon they can't handle: the furious Black Unicorn... |
BREAD CHESS: by Helen's fiancé; 1930-33, a detailed psychic dream Stalin's police held my fiancée incommunicado. But I dreamt of her prison, cellmate, and the odd game they played... |
CLOSE THE GATE: by Emily Joy; 2004/11/19, a dream of decision. My foxy lover teases and tempts, but I can't let him into the patio for fear he'll hurt the rabbits… CAUTION: UNFUNNY BUNNY PUNS |
COMMUTE: by a Massachusetts woman, pre-1961, a recurrent telepathic prompt I pick up my husband at the train station daily, but he never calls--I just know when he arrives... |
CREATURE BECOMES CREATOR: by Wayan; 2015/2/5, three linked advisory dreams on world trends A weird little forest god bred me from an ordinary deer into a creature who can almost pass for human. But World War 2 killed my god, and now I'm growing into... CAUTION: NUDITY, CROSSBREEDING |
CRUISE: by "Michelle", 1990s; a recurrent predictive dream I never go on cruise ships but I keep dreaming I'm on one and meet the same man, and marry him..... |
DANCE OF THE SUN: by Wayan, 1972/10/23, an epic mystical dream I cross a hostile continent to a magic commune, fall in love with a flying girl who slaps a soul-spark into my head, and follow an alien goddess leading the Dance of the Sun... |
ENKIDU: by Gilgamesh of Uruk, c. 2750 BCE, an early prophetic dream The hero Gilgamesh troubles his city till he dreams the gods will send him a best friend & lover, Enkidu... CAUTION: SEX |
F.I.P: by Dr A (c.1947), a Cambridge man (1960?), a London girl (c.1916) and a Midlands mum (July 1958) Examples of inexplicable moods that appear (after the fact) to be reactions to future events... |
FLIGHT, MARGARET, MOUSE, DOG: by Paul Nash, dreamed 1895-9 + Feb. 1913; art by Dave McKean As a child, landscape artist Paul Nash dreamed of flying over the countryside of southern England. But he was threatened by the legendary Black Dog... |
THE GREAT PEACE: by George Antheil; early 1922; two predictive dreams that change a pianist's life I dream it's after a great war; I hear the music I must write, and meet the girl I must marry... |
HEIRESS AND MORTAL: by Wayan; 2011/2/16, a dark advisory dream I'm a misfit--a mortal in an immortal world. Then I meet a girl with an unpredictable illness... |
HER FINAL EXAM: by Wayan; 2015/9/8, a dream of a goddess in hiding--and why During our final exam, my second sight tells me our dance teacher's really a Greek goddess in disguise. But she has her own final exam to face... |
THE ILL-FORMED TALE: by Wayan; 160K, 1981/4/7, a wild dream anti-epic. To reach the Peak of Happiness on the Isle of Dreams, I must pass four Perils--but they're all backwards... CAUTION: RELIGIOUS NUTS, KNIVES, NUDE ALIENS, BACKWARD PLOT... |
IS LONGING A RIGHT?: by Wayan; 2021/6/26, a dream on willpower & guilt I'm in a dance class where we built not just muscle strength but strength of will, too: the idea's to magically summon your soulmate through sheer longing! And my classmates succeed--intermittently... CAUTION: QUEER THINKING |
JUST SEX AND IDIOTS: by Wayan; 1998/2/22, a political dating dream. A sex dream warning "to find your soulmate, learn to spot the opposite: cute political and spiritual idiots..." CAUTION: SEX AND POLITICS |
KISS THE GLASS: by Wayan; 1979/9/23, a dream on priorities. My parents' house is now a sex club. I walk in, and meet my soulmate! But in awkward circumstances... CAUTION: SEX |
LEAN ON ME: by Wayan; 120K; 1987, 1992. Recurring dream image.. This couple keeps appearing in my dreams--as equals, as mount and rider, as friends, as enemies, as lovers... CAUTION: NUDITY |
THE LEOPARD'S CLUE: by Wayan; 2012/3/17, an incubated advisory dream. My boyfriend, a leopard, sniffs out a clue to an old murder involving me in a past life. But did I witness, die, or kill? |
LIFE MATES: by Katie Hofgard; 2003/4/19?, a reincarnation-romance dream Mysterious doings on an archeological dig bring a creature back to life, but this is no Mummy... |
LONG ROAD TO HEAVEN: by Edwin Muir; 1920, an epic hypnogogic shamanic initiation Creatures in the primal sea touch my third eye, dragons cry their eyes out, I fight the Sphinx, and arrive at last in... |
LOVE DAY: by Wayan; 1989/3/21, a sitcom dream. On Love Day you can't mock anyone's come-on, of course; but in the bar "Cheers", Carla's mad at Diane... CAUTION: PRO-BIGAMY? |
LOVE OF MY LIVES: by James Lyon; 2014/5/25, a life-spanning dream. I live two complete lives with the same woman in my dreams, then wake up next to her... |
METEOR OR STAR?: by Wayan; 2007/9/17, a dream of uncertainty I'm an anima. But we rarely walk the day-world for long. When will I fade? Ignorance isn't bliss, it's paralysis... |
MODELING A ME: by Wayan, 1994/8/29, a mirroring dream I find a 3D program that shows your true self, the self that can love, IS love. And my wireframe is... |
THE MOUSE: by Paul Nash; Feb. 1913, surreal bedtime experience triggers surreal nightmare We save a mouse from a man who claims he eats them. Later I dream I am the mouse... |
MY NEW PASSPORT: by Gayle Delaney, 1972/8/21, a life-changing dream Why does my passport have color photos of me ice skating? I haven't in years. Your passport must show your true face. Should I change it, or do they know me better than... CAUTION: SHAMANIC SYNCHRONICITY |
NEWT WEDDING: by Emily Joy; spring 1995, a six-year-old's epic dream Through wild jungles and over the Mattress Mountains, I lead a giant purple newt to love... |
NORASINGH: by Wayan; 1987/1/15, a Tantric Frankenstein dream. I fall in love with my sculpture of a mythical Southeast Asian creature. Then a mad yogi breaks in... CAUTION: SEX, TANTRA, AND GENERAL WEIRDNESS |
THE OLD WITCH: by Wayan; 1991/8/1, a dreamtale on abandon. A Hollywood sex goddess confronts the Ingenue who's supplanting her. Just how far will she go? CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM |
PAST PARTY, FUTURE HUSBAND: by a Georgia woman; before 1959, a psychic dream fusing past & future I dream a stranger's observing a lawn party at a house I've never seen. My beau recognizes the party from three years ago, but not the man. Two years later... |
PINK CHILD AND PRESTON: by Katie Hofgard; 2005/5/7?, a sexy dream of childhood My boyfriend and I are beings with pinkish joints... CAUTION: SEXY CREATURES |
RAGS TO RICHES: A FIGHT FOR LOVE: by Hyal; October 2006, a dream of courage. I was just a street rat, but I danced with the princess at a ball, and fell in love. Three rich suitors pulled their blades... |
RAPA ITI: by Marc Liblin, 1954-1960s, recurring childhood dreams teaching him an unknown language Only at age 33 did Marc Liblin at last meet someone who spoke his dream language. He married her, and moved to Rapa Iti, the only place in the world it's spoken... |
SHROPSHIRE: by Wayan; 1985/1/6, a predictive warning dream DREAM: chased by a sniper, I trick him into blowing himself up. Then, in the Watchtower, I know every name & address in Shropshire, but must hide them till all the snipers are caught... NEXT DAY: at work I run across a book with every name and address in 17th-century Shropshire... CAUTION: FATAL EXPLOSION |
SILKY'S SONNET: by Wayan; 1983/6/15, a love-poem to a nightmare. A love poem to the black mare I keep meeting in my dreams, who finally married me... CAUTION: SEX TALK |
STILTDOE AND CENBUCK: by Wayan; 1989/5/23-24, two punning deer-dreams First a mutant doe with stilt legs has trouble finding a mate, then a centauroid buck with a parasol shows us he means... business. |
THE STROKE: by Lesa; 2005/6/1, a predictive dream A vivid nightmare that turned out a week later to be devastatingly true ... |
TAROT: THE LOVERS: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. The card of love. I'm not sure what genders the lovers are, but no matter... |
THINGS WASH OFF: by Wayan; 2009/4/22, a dream fingering the cause of a breakup; Dreamverse #49 Those Hollywood lovers in the tub seem perfect together, until... oh, read the title! CAUTION: RACE- AND GENDER-BENDING |
TOWARDS BREAK OF DAY: by WB Yeats and Georgie Yeats, Dec. 1918; Simultaneous dreams sharing mood & theme not images. Yeats sees but cannot touch the waterfall he loved so in childhood; Georgie, the magical white stag in King Arthur... |
THE TRAIN: by John Hollander; spring 1974; a poem based on a shared dream A couple slips in and out of sleep, dreams, one another's bodies and dreamworlds, trying to connect... CAUTION: FREUDIAN SYMBOLISM, LITERATE WRITING |
TRANSPERSONAL PUPPIES by a dog breeder; pre-1961, a cledonic dream of a ghost The stranger seemed to know me. He said "Tell her about the little dogs, it will comfort her." Two weeks later... |
A VALLEY NEAR HOPE: by Wayan; 1984/10/17-19, an epic dream. I wander a valley where unicorns love cyborgs but fear giant ants, who love unicorns but fear cyborgs, who love ants but fear unicorns! And while the Three Tribes squabble, cave-monsters sculpt them all. I set up peace talks between these four aspects of my tetrahedral soul... CAUTION: SWEARING, DRUNK LIONS, CYBORG SURGERY, AND GOGGLE-BARFING |
WE MEET IN DREAMS: by Katie Hofgard; 2005?, a dream-portrait I only meet my wolf-soulmate in recurrent dreams... CAUTION: SEXY CREATURES |
WHO KNOWS WHO'S YOUR MATE? 1986/12/21, ink, Xerox, acrylic wash; a nondream picture-poem Seeking a mate? Mutual attraction and having much in common aren't enough-- it's equally vital to learn what you don't have in common... |
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