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Group- or hive-minds in dreams. Maybe such dreams are just about social conformity, but as I've experimented with ESP in dreams, I've started to wonder if they're more than that; a personification of the effects of unconscious sharing of information via dreams--Jung's much-derided notion of a collective unconscious. On a subliminal level, we may be a hive mind, more than we realize.

And then there's always the Web...

RELATED TOPICS: telepathy and shared dreams - multiple personalities - insects - community - conformity and individualism - twins, doubles, and alter egos - Web dreams - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.

What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.

THE ANT REPRESENTATIVE: by Wayan; 1996/3/18, a romantic dream of bugs.
I fall in love with a diplomat from a hive mind. Am I luring her into dangerous individuality?
THE BASEBALL KISS: by Wayan; 1983/8/4, a dreamtale on choice.
The Prime Minister of England breaks my nose, so I become a flock
of squirrels to seek revenge. But maybe I should I let it go...
THE BEE QUEEN: by Wayan; 1997/6/26, a hard-headed dream.
Two time-traveling paleontologists get a gift from their friend the Bee Queen. A gift with six-inch fangs...
THE BEES' ANSWER: by Wayan; 1994/8/2, a diagnostic dream.
A bee-doctor in the city of Propolopolis diagnoses me as having a rare syndrome, Ambition Denied...
BEES' DISTRESS: by Davi Kopenawa, late Nov. 1989, a shamanic dream
On my first trip to Europe, I found bees there live in boxes. They came to me in my dream to say "We are slowly
starving, as humans kill the flowers and trees we need." They asked me to warn the white people, who are deaf...
CLAY BEHEADER: by Wayan; 1983/7/28, a nightmare offer.
A woman's stalked by a clay monster that eats heads. But it has a proposition for both of us...
CLOUD WAR: by Wayan; 2012/12/22, a dream of eco-apocalypse on the darkest day of the year
Clouds wake up. Maybe they were always aware, but now they're aware of us. And rage against us all.
Oh, humanity'll survive. But easy times are over...
FRIEND-RING: by Wayan; 2017/1/6, a dream of divine intervention--My Little Pony style
I'm a horse chosen by the gods to join a Friend-Ring--a group mind. That's great for
the street crazies I get to help heal. Not so great for me, injected with madness...
MS. TRUST: by Wayan; 1993/11/4, a dream of a guarded angel.
I meet my own mistrust: an angel who can't trust ME! So she turns me into a football-playing ant...
MULTIPLE: by Wayan; 1991/11/16; digital picture-poem on seven dream-selves.
I have all the signs of multiple personality but memory gaps. Here are the ones I've met and been in dreams.
But you all forget your dreams. Don't be too sure you're so unitary...
THE MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE THEORY: by Wayan; 1996/11/6, a dream on synergism.
A girl and two cybersnakes are clever but murderous. But
when apart, they're not mean at all! Not sin--synergy...
MULTIPLEX: by Wayan; 1987/1/9, a dream on multiple dreamselves.
Inside my brain's a fractured legislature--a hive-mind where da beez disagreez...
PRINCESS LILY: by Dou Xun, as told by Pu Songling; before 1679: recurring psychic dreams, or fiction?
Dou dreams he marries Lily; when a monstrous snake attacks her huge family, he reluctantly hosts
them all... when he wakes, they turn out to be bees driven from their hive by a (very real) snake...
A VALLEY NEAR HOPE: by Wayan; 1984/10/17-19, an epic dream.
I wander a valley where unicorns love cyborgs but fear giant ants, who love unicorns but
fear cyborgs, who love ants but fear unicorns! And while the Three Tribes squabble, cave-monsters
sculpt them all. I set up peace talks between these four aspects of my tetrahedral soul...
WHALE BIKES TO HEAVEN: by Wayan; 1974/5/6, a shamanic double-flying dream
A road trip with no road--levitating over the Arctic Sea to meet the Whale Philosopher.
Then it's time for us all to bike to the stars, leave this world behind...
WITCH'S BUTTER: by Wayan, 2023/5/27, a science-geek dream.
I live in four consecutive bodies: I'm a Bose-Einstein condensate, a cloud of particles moving as one--
unless overheated. No, I'm Witch's Butter, a mob of amoeboid cells who unify into a quasi-slug--temporarily.
No, I'm a person, but soft and yellow as Witch's Butter. No, I'm firming up, but still entangled...

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